Celtic Totem Animals

Ancient Stories of Shamanic Helpers and How to Access Their Wisdom


370 in stock

Imprint: Eddison Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


160 Pages


5.75 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Eddison Books


John Matthews has been a practicing shaman for over 30 years and is a leading authority on Celtic traditions, Grail and Arthurian legends, and the tarot. He is the author of a number of successful divinatory systems based on early spiritual beliefs and has acted as an advisor on several motion pictures, including Jerry Bruckheimer’s King Arthur. Visit his website at hallowquest.org.uk.

Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition help you in your own life today.

Using the web link included in the book to play the drum music and allow yourself to be safely carried on a wave of sound to experience your own shamanic journey. In this gentle trance you can find your Totem Animal, and the 20 Totem Animal cards included will help you choose animal helpers for particular situations–for guidance on life issues, for self-empowerment, or simply for fun. The possibilities are endless. Replaces ISBN 978-1-85906-400-9

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