LightWeb Oracle Deck

Soul Technology (44 Full-Color Cards and 140-Page Full-Color Guidebook)


Imprint: Muse Oracle Press
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 08/18/2025

Book Details


140 Pages


3.5 x 5.5



Pub. Date





Muse Oracle Press


Since her LightWeb activation, Joanna Hunter has initiated hundreds of individuals into the LightWeb, teaching them the 333Magic framework. Additionally, she has appointed several remarkable women into the LightWeb priestesshood to coteach this technology. Joanna, a spiritual teacher since the age of twenty-three, channels transcendent wisdom from her spiritual guides, the collective consciousness of Skylar.

Stephanie Wicker-Campbell is an intuitive illustrator driven by the essence of the soul, unraveling the enchantment within the ordinary. Born in the United States but residing in Sydney, Stephanie's passion for travel and adventure is just one of the many aspects from which she draws her artistic inspiration. Channeling a diverse array of palettes, her work covers a broad spectrum, making her a sought-after partner for published projects. Her spellbinding designs grace oracle decks, journals, and book covers, resonating with audiences worldwide.

Deep in the quantum field glimmers the LightWeb, an iridescent cosmic matrix that knew you before you knew yourself. Here, all creation converges, and the boundaries between nothing and everything dissolve, making the impossible possible. The LightWeb Oracle Deck beckons the seeker into this galactic expanse, adorned with cosmic imagery of the quantum realm, guiding you deep into the remembrance of your soul as a multidimensional being.
The LightWeb is a soul-based technology that transcends space and time, containing the matrix of all life. It serves as the intricate medium through which our galactic brothers and sisters travel between planets and communicate across vast distances. This extraordinary web holds the creation codes from the one Source, the origin of both our physical and nonphysical realities.
Each card in the LightWeb Oracle Deck is more than just an image; it is a cosmic seed, a transmission of light from the Codex of Light. These cards are designed to unfold a remembrance of your multidimensional self, reconnecting you with the deepest aspects of your being and the universe. Each card holds a piece of the cosmic puzzle, a fragment of the infinite, waiting to be discovered and integrated into your consciousness. As you engage with the LightWeb Oracle Deck, you’ll find yourself drawn into the expansive realms of the LightWeb, experiencing a profound shift in awareness. This is more than a journey; it’s an awakening, a reconnection with the universal truths encoded within you. The LightWeb calls you to explore these realms, to remember who you truly are, and to embrace your place in the grand web of existence. Strap in for a consciousness-altering experience. Can you hear the LightWeb calling?

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