The MotherCulture Revolution

Sacred Activism through the Journey of Motherhood


Imprint: Muse Oracle Press
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 08/18/2025

Book Details


190 Pages


6 x 9



Pub. Date





Muse Oracle Press


Sigourney Belle Weldon, a pioneer in the feminine revolution, has forged the path of communication between the worlds of human psychology and mysticism. Here, she focuses on the power of mothers as bringers of life, holding the evolutionary potential of our collective. Her vision is that of a new paradigm and a new way of being as we stand on the precipice of stepping into a new civilization model. We are returning to and reviving an ancient, elemental connection to the planet and cosmos.

We are living in a time when the Earth is speaking to us . . . loudly. We are being asked to surrender and bow to a deeper current of wisdom that is far more powerful than our minds will ever know. Nature is having her say.
The anxiety you feel in your body is asking you to breathe and listen. Will you honor the soft, supple language of the body? Will you come home to the wisdom that exists within your flesh—the vessel that communes with and is informed directly by nature?
The next revolution will be a revolution that is led by mothers and the soils of the Earth. It will rise from and through the lands. Those connected to the one heart and the one pulse of life that breathes all of humanity will lead this revolution. It is the people who remember the divinity of resting in their mother’s womb and of the unconditional love of the mother who will stand up for the oppressed and those who deeply need to be touched by grace during these times. Motherhood is the groundwork. The root work. It is like tending to the soils of the Earth. Without healthy mothering, without tending to the hearts of our children, we lose the fertile soils from which humanity’s morality can bloom. We’re already there.
This book has been written on the premise of hope. Hope for a future that is sympathetic and collaborative with Mother Earth. A future that is brighter for our children. One where mothers are revered as an essential part of the ecosystem and honored in a way that puts them at the forefront of our society. The MotherCulture Revolution lies in the hope for a future that puts healthy mothering at the forefront of its sociopolitical agenda and understands the vital ingredients that need to be present in order to raise children that are connected to the “mother principle”—the ability to love and be loved—an essential component necessary to shift the trajectory of humanity from one of crisis to positive, Earth-centric evolution.

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