The Good Dog Spell Book


Imprint: Crossed Crow Books
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 05/06/2025

Book Details


180 Pages


5 x 7



Pub. Date





Crossed Crow Books


Gillian Kemp is an internationally acclaimed author of books about magic. Her best-known work, The Good Spell Book, topped the official UK book sales chart and was a huge success in the US, Canada, and Australasia. It was translated in Japan and across Europe.
Gillian has firsthand experience of the effectiveness of her spells, as she regularly uses them to help family and friends. She has received many letters from her readers to tell her they have used her spells successfully and to thank her for the accuracy of her predictions.

Make magic with your beloved mutt!
Many witches want to build a magical relationship with man’s best friend, but where does one start on such an endeavor? The Good Dog Spell Book by Gillian Kemp will teach you how to create fantastic works of magic while including your furry companion. Perform divination with your dog, learn their personality through their zodiac sign, and create spells to attract the things you want for yourself and for Fido. The positive and harmless indoor and outdoor spells included within will help you build a strong magical relationship between yourself and your pet, deepening your magic in the process.

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