The Elements of Chemistry

Quarks, Atoms and Molecules


Imprint: Wooden Books
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 09/15/2025

Book Details


64 Pages


5.5 x 6.75


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Wooden Books


Matt Tweed is a science author, illustrator, and games designer who has a deep interest in the mechanics of reality. In his spare time, he is also a music producer and sitar/bass player for a number of well-known bands. He studied electronics at Kings College, London, and sound art in Hull before running away with the eco-protests. He now lives on a boat in Cornwall with a labradoodle called Bob.

What makes a quark? How many quarks make a proton? How many protons make an oxygen atom? How many oxygen atoms make a carbon dioxide molecule? How many carbon atoms make you? In this accessible pocket book, packed with helpful diagrams and fascinating information, science writer Matt Tweed takes us on a whirlwind tour into the tiny realms, the stuff we are all made of, the building blocks of the material world—the elements of chemistry.

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