Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook

A Manual for the Art of Retrieval and Afterlife Exploration


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


328 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Where will you go when you die?

What if someone offered you a safe, reliable method for exploring for the truth about the afterlife on your own? Would you grab the opportunity to find out for yourself? The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook is just such an opportunity.

Bruce Moen is a seasoned afterlife explorer. He insists that despite our beliefs to the contrary, discovering the truth about our afterlife through communication with the deceased is really quite easy.

Trained as an engineer, Moen has created a systematic yet simple set of concepts, techniques, and exercises that people around the world have successfully used to gather their own firsthand evidence about the afterlife through contact and communication with the deceased.

Moen’s system follows this basic premise:
If you can find a way to communicate with a person known to be deceased, and gather information from this person that you can have no way of knowing except by this contact, and if this information can be verified to be true, accurate, and real, then you have gathered evidence that this person continues to exist beyond death. If you continue gathering such evidence, the weight of it will lead you to the truth.

You no longer need to take anyone else’s word for the truth about our afterlife. The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook gives you the tools to experience the afterlife and discover the truth for yourself.

Imagine how your life will change when you know beyond all doubt that you are an eternal being, a being who never dies.

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