Are You Psychic or Making It Up?

Understand and Manage Your Psychic Self and Your Loved Ones Who Think You May Be Losing It


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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"I truly enjoyed reading this book. I personally have spent years distrusting my own intuitive gifts and have found that when I merged the mystical part of myself with my more skeptical, scientific side, not only did my work as a doctor, teacher and author improve, but so did my personal life. Carole Lynn shows you how to merge the worlds in a beautiful and light way, offering you tools that will help you trust your experiences, dig deeper within yourself, and find the real truth hidden within your mystical gift." --Eva Selhub, MD, author of The Love Response and Your Brain on Nature
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Book Details


176 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Carole Lynne is a psychic medium, author, musician, and motivational speaker. She is the author of Heart and Sound, How to Get a Good Reading from a Psychic Medium, and Consult Your Inner Psychic.

A road map for people who think they may be psychic–and their loved ones

Are You Psychic or Making It Up? is a must have book for anyone who is having psychic or mediumistic experiences (and possibly thinks they’re going crazy) and their friends and families. Carole Lynne begins with some badly needed truths. Chief among them: not everyone is psychic. While everyone can develop their intuition and get in touch with the inner psychic voice, those who are psychic and mediumistic have received special spiritual gifts. If that sounds familiar, this is definitely the book for you. 

Learn how to take care of your “extra sensitive self.” Learn how to evaluate your experiences and to make choices about whether to further develop your gifts. Get advice on what type of further training and study you might benefit most from. And, for friends and families, learn to appreciate your psychic loved ones and that it is an honor to be psychic.

Carole Lynne writes from authority earned over decades of personal experience and study, teaching, and working with clients, many of whom come to her for mediumistic readings. Others come to her to learn how to develop their own psychic and mediumistic powers. It is those people and the thousands more like them who will benefit from this book.

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"I truly enjoyed reading this book. I personally have spent years distrusting my own intuitive gifts and have found that when I merged the mystical part of myself with my more skeptical, scientific side, not only did my work as a doctor, teacher and author improve, but so did my personal life. Carole Lynn shows you how to merge the worlds in a beautiful and light way, offering you tools that will help you trust your experiences, dig deeper within yourself, and find the real truth hidden within your mystical gift." --Eva Selhub, MD, author of The Love Response and Your Brain on Nature "In Carole Lynne's new book she candidly explores many challenges for those with psychic abilities living in our society. Her advice related to finding a 'spirit friendly' therapist is spot on. As a clinical social worker with a private psychotherapy practice I agree with her concern that authentic psychics could easily be wrongfully diagnosed with mental illness by a therapist who is unaware of the spirit world and abilities of psychics. She goes on to give practical tips for finding the right kind of therapist to support and guide psychics who are also often more sensitive than others to the world around them. This book is packed full of insightful information that is discussed among psychics and we are fortunate that Carole has taken the time to write this guide for psychics and their friends and family members." --Cindy Williamson, licensed independent clinical social worker "Add Carole Lynne's perspective on the unseen world to your world. In this book Carole Lynne illuminates a deeper understanding of what it means to be a sensitive in this world and the challenges and responsibilities of having psychic and mediumistic gifts. The experiences and wisdom she shares can provide readers with invaluable and trustworthy insights into their own spiritual happenings because her integrity as a Medium and dedication to a life of teaching shine through. I believe many will find comfort and guidance within these pages because we should all, sensitive or not, desire to live a more balanced life and to be more authentic in our actions. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Medium, and student of Carole Lynne, I know I will refer to her book in teaching my students how to develop themselves spiritually, personally, and as healers. I strongly recommend this book to those who are exploring their spiritual gifts, those who offer healing and messages to others already, and to their loved ones." --Amanda de Rezendes "In my 30 plus years of as a physician and surgeon, I have experienced many unexplained phenomena which have filled me with awe and wonderment. Some of these experiences I have considered coincidental or happenstance, but many more I have felt a part of directly whether they be influenced by what I was feeling or thinking or I had a significant effect on the predictions or outcomes. I truly feel I have witnessed miracles. My wife and I have always felt we have had guardian angels, perhaps even a troop of them, who have unfortunately had to work overtime to help us out of many situations.When we first read about Carole Lynne, then met her for mediumistic sessions, we began to understand our personal energies and gifts that helped make more sense of what transpired. We appreciated Carole's ability to help us understand that our religious beliefs were an integral part of these intangible 'feelings.'Her latest book will help many gain a better understanding and awareness of these qualities we all possess whether you call them 'intuition,' 'hunches,' 'coincidences' or 'psychic abilities.' For some readers, it may open up a whole new dimension of understanding and possibilities. Carole has my respect, admiration and support of this valuable work." --Wendell P. Wong, MD