Container Conjure

Jars, Bottles, Bags, and More


Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 01/12/2026

Book Details


256 Pages


6 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Starr Casas was born in the mountains of Kentucky and raised in the culture of the Deep South. The author of numerous books, she continues to hold tight to the folkways of her ancestors. At the age of seventeen, Starr learned how to do cleansings with eggs, herbs, and candles. She has been a Conjure woman for over forty years and is the fourth generation of her family to practice traditional Southern Conjure. A beloved teacher, she presents workshops across the United States. She lives just outside Houston, Texas.

The definitive guide to container and jar magic.
One of the oldest and most traditional forms of magic involves carefully selecting items that are then placed into some type of container for the purpose of achieving a goal. We know this to be true because archaeologists and anthropologists periodically unearth such items. Nothing about these spells are random. Both container and contents are chosen and coordinated carefully to provide maximum efficacy. For example, English “witch bottles” are jugs containing different kinds of objects and fluids that are sealed and typically buried to keep witches away. The practice is international and remains a vital part of magic.
Container spells are used for all sorts of purposes and, despite their antiquity, are an increasingly popular style of spellcasting. Container magic is known for its simplicity. Ingredients are generally found in the home and are personal to the creator. Containers may be portable, such as mojo hands or charm bags. They may also be stationary, such as honey jar spells, which involve placing items into a jar, covering them with honey, closing the lid, and then burning a candle on top of the jar.
Starr Casas is an acknowledged authority and master on Conjure-style container magic. In Container Conjure, Mama Starr teaches readers how to load their own containers and maintain control over their spellcasting. Starr’s container magic is not limited to jars; she also uses dolls, light bulbs, sachets, fruit, and other organic material as “containers.”

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