Create a World That Works

Tools for Personal and Global Transformation


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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"Ripple effect. This is what Create a World That Works is all about: moving from the deeply personal awareness and presence to the powerful impact I create around me, inspiring others to do and be the same. If Alan Seale can live it, so can I. And so can everyone else. This is the way we create a world that works. Simply. Beginning right now. This book shows you how." --Tine Gaihede, director, European Leadership, Copenhagen
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Book Details


256 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Alan Seale is a highly sought after leadership and transformation coach. He has led workshops and keynote presentations at the Kripalu Center in Lenox, MA; the International Coach Federation annual conference in St. Louis, MO; the South Bay Organizational Development Network in Silicon Valley, CA; and similar events nationally. He is the author of Intuitive Living and Soul Vision;Life Mission. He lives in Rochester, New York.

Cheryl Dorsey is the president of Echoing Green, a global nonprofit that provides seed funding and technical assistance to emerging social entrepreneurs with ideas for social change.

The tumultuous times we live in require new kinds of leaders who must be able to tap into the greater potential of any situation or circumstance, and partner with that potential for extraordinary results. Inspirational speaker and leadership coach Alan Seale offers the tools each of us can use to make a significant difference in a changing world.

Seale offers a new leadership paradigm that can carry us into a sustainable future and supports the greater good. Grounded in the convergence of ancient wisdom teachings, evolutionary consciousness, universal spirituality concepts, and the basic principles of quantum physics, he shows how to partner with the universal laws of energy to create a “Transformational Presence” by:

  • Engaging your intuition
  • Making choice and opportunity your habitual approach to life
  • Clarifying and manifesting your potential
  • Identifying and claiming the gifts you are here to share
  • Stepping fully into your gifts and supporting others to do the same

And so we begin to tap into the greatest potential of ourselves, our families, our communities, companies, countries, and even our world, and have the courage to act on that potential for the greater good of all.

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"Ripple effect. This is what Create a World That Works is all about: moving from the deeply personal awareness and presence to the powerful impact I create around me, inspiring others to do and be the same. If Alan Seale can live it, so can I. And so can everyone else. This is the way we create a world that works. Simply. Beginning right now. This book shows you how." --Tine Gaihede, director, European Leadership, Copenhagen "In Create a World That Works, Alan Seale helps us understand not only the importance of how we show up in the world, but also shows us how to discover and embody a personal presence that encourages transformation in the world. He masterfully weaves together ancient wisdom teachings with quantum science and offers clear, practical, and immediately applicable tools and models for doing transformational work. Underlying all of what he is saying is the deep belief of our interconnectedness. As we long for our personal transformation, we also participate in the transformation of a larger whole. This is a mustread book for leaders, coaches, and anyone called to make a difference in today's world." --Marita Fridjhon, ORSCC, MSW, PCC, CPCC, cofounder and CEO of CRR Global "Seale weaves together the cocreative principles governing human culture in ways that will alter how you embody and express the evolutionary intelligence within yourself and the Universe. Few are the guides to this terrain who possess the intuition, compassion, and brilliance for activating the developmental potential of the human spirit." Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential "The Chinese called the wish,'may you live in interesting times,' a curse, for it means transformation and transformation means danger. But the Chinese also knew that transformation is a crisis that is a danger as well as an opportunity. We need to learn that the crisis of the world is the opportunity for personal transformation. For only a transformed person can seize the opportunity offered by today's crisis. Create a World That Works shows how you and I, every one of us, can transform to be the architects of the world we can now create. Read it, and be the change we all need in the world." Ervin Laszlo, author of WorldShift 2012: Making Green Business, New Politics & Higher Consciousness Work Together "It's time isn't it? Time to create a world that really works. Alan Seale's new book is a deep, rich vehicle to do just that. It overflows with wisdom and gives you a roadmap so you can have heaven, here, now, on our earth. Enrich yourself and the world by reading it and then telling those who share your dream, your longing, for a world that works. This book will take you deeper into yourself and more powerfully out in the world through your service and contribution. Create a World That Works is destined to be a reference book for decades to come." Martin Rutte, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, founder of Project Heaven on Earth "Did you ever wonder if there was a book written which could help you determine how best to live your life to the fullest? Did you hope it would consider the deep longings of your soul, and your desire to make a difference in the world through service in the process of discovery of Self? If so, Create a World That Works is the book you must read, work and play with. Doors to a fuller life will open to you that you never imagined existed, and your life will become the blessing to the world it was designed to be." -Rev. Sally Hamlin, Minister, First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY "Compelling, inspirational and concisely presented! Alan Seale has done a fabulous job of providing a powerful roadmap for those who are serious about living the transformative life. This book is not for enlightenment wannabes but for those who are committed to living more conscious lives. I plan to keep it handy and refer to it from time to time, and will be recommending it to many friends and colleagues. This book is a major addition to the global library for transformational living." -John Renesch, global futurist, author of Getting to the Better Future: A Matter of Conscious Choosing