Develop Your ESP

A Quick and Easy Way to Become Psychic


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


160 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Nina Ashby has trained in the art and science of perception, spiritual philosophy, various forms of bodywork and energy healing, art, psychology, yoga, meditation, astrology, palmistry, dowsing, cards, and psychic studies. She lives in England.

Have you ever heard the telephone ring and known who was calling before anyone spoke? Or had a gut feeling about someone or something that ultimately proved true? Most of us ignore experiences like these because we can see no physical basis for believing in our dormant psychic abilities.

Call it intuition, a hunch, a feeling, or ESP, this elusive knowledge can provide information, motivation, or direction about various aspects of our lives. Nina Ashby, teaches readers: 

  • How to listen and be receptive to the inner messages received by your intuitive senses
  • How to use techniques and exercises to develop and control your psychic abilities

This is a program that can quickly enhance anyone’s ability to go beyond the 5 senses and enter another dimension of awareness. Find out which psychic talents you possess and develop those particular gifts with a mix of theory and practical exercises. Learn to understand the body’s energy fields and auras and see why the spiritual plane is every bit as important as the physical world. Then get a complete psychic education, from cleansing rituals and focusing your inner energy charges to reading auras and using divination techniques such as tarot, I Ching, and psychometry to interpret signs and messages. Charts, tables, and graphs illustrate the theories.

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