Divination Conjure Style

Reading Cards, Throwing Bones, and Other Forms of Household Fortune-Telling


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Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Starr Casas holds onto the values of her ancestors. A traditional Conjure woman and veteran rootworker of over 40 years, Mama Starr is a prolific author and hands-on teacher, who presents workshops throughout the US. She also owns the store Mama Starr’s Style LLC in Houston. Find her online at oldstyleconjure.com and on Instagram @starrcasas.

Josef Bailey is a tattoo artist at World Class Tattoos in Harvey, Louisiana, and also works as an artist in the New Orleans area and a float painter for Kern Studios Inc., with his artwork on display during Mardi Gras.

“If you want to learn, receive edification and see just how powerful the art of divination is, I would highly suggest you read Divination Conjure Style.” —Hoodoo Sen Moise, author of Working Conjure – Hoodoo Sen Moise

A delightful in-depth guide to the divination practices of conjure from the beloved author of Old Style Conjure and other books

In Divination Conjure Style Starr Casas shares the secrets of conjure-style divination that she learned at home and that, until very recently, were family secrets that were only transmitted orally. Traditional conjure is the domain of the poor and disenfranchised, living in regions that were (and remain) unfriendly to esotericism and the occult. Thus, conjure divination relies on inexpensive tools that are not exclusively magical: playing cards, rather than tarot cards, or scrying with blue water instead of a crystal ball. 

The primary focus of Divination Conjure Style is playing-card divination, but other methods covered include bibliomancy, pyromancy, pendulums, and throwing the bones. Starr discusses the history of these methods and also offers practical information so that the reader can master these techniques for themselves. Josef Bailey, a young New Orleans artist, has created illustrations of conjure-style playing cards to Starr’s specifications.

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