Divine Gifts of Healing

My Life with Spirit


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Imprint: Ozark Mountain Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


112 Pages


5.5 x 8.5



Pub. Date





Ozark Mountain Publishing


In practice for 20 years, Cat Baldwin is a vibrational healing practitioner, life/spiritual advisor, mystery school/spiritual teacher, and certified Chios master teacher. As owner of The Wellness Sanctuary Spiritual Teaching and Healing Center, she is the facilitator of programming to heal the four-body system (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual).

As an intuitive channel, clairsentient, and clairaudient, she is in communication with her spiritual team of archangel Metatron, Anubis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Ben Joseph, and members of the Galactic Council to co-create services for personal sovereignty and soul purpose living.

What does it look like to live from your soul and higher true self, and not your ego, social agreement, and familial and ancestral lineage? Do we all have gifts beyond this realm? Do you have ascended masters, archangels, spirit guides, and ancestors waiting to assist you? What would it look like if you did and were in communication/relationship with them—could see, hear, or sense them and knew they were providing you with divine guidance in living into your soul’s purpose, happiness, and joy? When tragedy strikes, would you trust that it’s for your highest good? Or would you be angry, feel abandoned, and lose faith? How would you respond when facing your perpetrator? From ego or your spirit self?

Journey with Cat Baldwin through the lessons, losses, and teaching guidance co-created with Spirit and the miracles that follow. What do the Egyptians have to offer us? Do you recall past life experiences? How does your spirit body relate to your organs and your physical well-being? Share in the Forgiveness Workshop from Higher Self Spirit and learn true forgiveness. Share personal healing sessions and experiences provided by Spirit for the healing of humanity and the creation of the New Earth Energies.

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