Do It Yourself Akashic Wisdom

Access the Library of Your Soul


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Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Jacki Smith has been a crafter of magical products since 1992 and an initiated Witch since 1988. The current trend in magical candles can be traced in part to the groundbreaking products that she developed over 15 years ago through her company, Coventry Creations, which makes magically charged candles that are sold around the world. Jacki's Blessed Herbal Candles are a staple throughout many spiritual communities and are quickly becoming commonplace in mainstream America. She is also the author of Coventry Magic.
Patty Shaw co-owns Coventry Creations, the premier magical candle makers in the United States and the director of the School of Akashic Healing. Visit her online at and

The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. For the spiritual seeker or the average Joe, most of us would like to know the meaning of our lives. And we’d all love to have a handbook to guide us through the pitfalls and challenges, and learn to embrace our place in it all. The Akashic Records offer just that–a guide to understanding your life and its lessons. In fact, they are a complete library of guidebooks, which help you understand yourself and your place in the divine universe.

Akashic Anarchist Sisters Patty Shaw and Jacki Smith not only teach you how to access your records, they teach you how to break into the library and bring home the books! Through the use of journaling, mediations, personal rituals, and visualizations, you’ll learn how to read your records, understand their meaning, and use that knowledge to change your life. With humor and spiritual wisdom that comes from a lifetime of hacking into their own records, Shaw and Smith offers readers a unique and practical guide to learn the true wisdom of the Akashic Records.

Readers learn:
• How the divine communicate with you, every day
• What to do when life throws you a curveball
• The Who’s Who of the Akashic Records
• A Glossary of Akashic Terms

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