Fast Track Networking

Turning Conversations Into Contacts


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Imprint: Career Press
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"Lucy Rosen is one of the most effective networking professionals in the corporate world. I highly recommend that [everyone] read this book!"
Alison Berke Morano, chairwoman, Florida Democratic Party Chairs Association
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Book Details


224 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Lucy Rosen is president of SmartMarketing Solutions Group, Inc., a leading marketing, public relations, and business development firm. One of the country's most established experts in the area of networking and the building of strategic alliances she is also the founder and president of Women on the Fast Track. Rosen has been featured in hundreds of magazines and newspaper articles including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Entrepreneur, as well as numerous national and local broadcast appearances.

In a career spanning two decades, award-winning freelance journalist, editor and author Claudia Gryvatz Copquin is a frequent contributor to the Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper Newsday. She's also been published in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and a slew of newspapers across the country, having written hundreds of features on family, parenting, business, lifestyle, and bridal. She's also the author of the non-fiction book, The Neighborhoods of Queens (Yale University Press). Copquin is a long-standing member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Authors Guild.

Whether you are looking to secure a new deal–or land a new job–Fast Track Networking gives you the tools you’ll need to put the power of networking to work for you. You’ll be amazed at the opportunities that will unfold once you begin to network right…and unconditionally.

Through hundreds of valuable tips and dozens of networking success stories, you’ll learn the “tricks of the trade” from the woman dubbed the “Queen of Networking,” including how to:

  • Grow your inner circle of 10 to an “outside circle” of 20 and learn how to turn 300 networkers into 3,000 new prospects.
  • Make the all-important first moves that can lead to a lasting business partnership.
  • Not only meet key decision-makers, but fold them into your trusted inner circle.

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