Happiness Genes

Unlock the Positive Potential Hidden in Your DNA


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Imprint: New Page Books
Availability: In stock
"Happiness Genes is...like reading an instruction manual that tells you how to reprogram your genes for a happy life. It's time for new thinking. This book is your wake-up call."
Bruce Lipton, PhD, New York Times best-selling author The Biology of Belief
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Book Details


256 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


James D. Baird, PhD, is an engineer and researcher who has studied happiness for more than 20 years. He holds a PhD in Natural Health and is the author of three books: The Happiness Plan, The Modern Christian's Happiness Plan, and The Mindful Meals Diet.

Laurie Nadel, PhD, hosts The Dr. Laurie Show on Genesis Communications Network (www.gcnlive.com). Her guests include experts in the paranormal, remote viewing, New Science, and spirituality. She holds doctorates in psychology and clinical hypnotherapy. Dr. Laurie has studied mind-body medicine at Harvard and trained with shamans in South America. A journalist since 1969, she has written for the New York Times and other major publications.

Happiness Genes proves that there is a definitive link between science and spirituality–that you are biologically wired for natural happiness.

You have a constitutional right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And every day thousands of advertising images seduce you into believing that happiness can be bought. Put away your wallet. Happiness is at your fingertips–it’s sitting right in your DNA.

The new science of epigenetics reveals that there are reserves of natural happiness within your DNA that can be controlled by you, your emotions, beliefs, and your behavioral choices.

Happiness Genes: Unlock the Positive Potential Hidden in Your DNA examines the nature and source of happiness, from ancient times to the present. It presents the epigenetic and other biological research that shows that DNA contains genes for natural happiness and your ultimate well-being. Then it details the 28-Day natural happiness program–you’ll learn how to “switch on” your happiness genes, creating a biological cascade of well-being.

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"Happiness Genes is...like reading an instruction manual that tells you how to reprogram your genes for a happy life. It's time for new thinking. This book is your wake-up call."
Bruce Lipton, PhD, New York Times best-selling author The Biology of Belief