Healing Young Brains

The Neurofeedback Solution


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


386 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Robert W. Hill, PhD, founded the Oaks Psychological Service in Abingdon, Virginia. He specialized in health psychology and behavioral medicine.

Eduardo Castro, MD, is the medical director of the Mount Rogers Clinic in Trout Dale, Virginia, one of the leading alternative and complementary medical clinics in the United States.

Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven form of brain-wave feedback that trains the child’s brain to overcome slow brain-wave activity, and increase and maintain its speed permanently. Neurofeedback is quick, noninvasive, and cost effective. In fact, 80 percent of the time, neurofeedback is effective without any of the side effects associated with drugs commonly used for such childhood disorders as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, sleep disorders, and emotional problems.

Healing Young Brains examines each disorder separately and explains in lay terms:

* The manifestation of the disorder

* The diagnosis

* The rationale for treating the disorder with brain-wave training

Healing Young Brains is parents’ guide to all they need to know about treating their children with neurofeedback as an alternative to drugs.

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