Hedgewitch Book of Days

Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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"Mandy Mitchell's The Hedgewitch Book of Days is the book I wish I'd had when I was a witchy new mom. Laid out monthbymonth, it's simple to pick up and check the lists of magical correspondences when you're in a hurry, but it's also the book you'll want to peruse when you have a bit more time. Each chapter is stuffed full of ideas for spending quality time with your family, ideas for magical works, and simple rituals that can be pulled off in the time you have between chauffeuring back and forth to afterschool activities and trying to get dinner on the table. Speaking of dinner, there are some fabulous seasonal food lists and recipes to help you get a jump on them. A fabulous addition to the libraries of both beginner witches and those who've been on the path for ages and want a few new ideas for simplifying. Definitely two (busy) thumbs up!" --Kris Bradley, author of Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery
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Book Details


288 Pages


7 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Mandy Mitchell is a mother, a doting grandma, and also a practicing Hedgewitch. She lives within the magical landscape of Wiltshire, with Stonehenge, Avebury, and Savernake forest very close by. She believes in juggling real life and trying to live each day magically by turning the daytoday tasks into magical rituals. Along with simple spells, seasonal food and honoring the rhythms of nature, a sense of humor is key to being a modern Hedgewitch!

Mandy is passionate about connecting with others in today's busy world, bringing the modern and ancient together. She embraces the online world and would love to hear from anyone wishing to be part of the magical community. Check her out: facebook.com/hedgewitchbookofdays

Fun, practical, and easy-to-follow suggestions for bringing the wisdom of the hedgewitch into your home—includes dozens of recipes, rituals, spells, and correspondences that all follow the seasons of the year.

“The hedgewitch was the ‘true’ witch, in my opinion. It’s about time we had a good book focused on that wise one.”–Raymond Buckland, author of Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft
Once upon a time the witch held a place of esteem in the village; her knowledge of local plants and wayside herbs were used to heal; her wisdom and empathy made her the village matchmaker and marriage counselor; and her ability to commune with nature and animals gave her a place of revelry and wisdom. She was the Hedgewitch.
Aimed at the busy witch, who is both breadmaker and breadwinner, this book revives the spirit of the Hedgewitch and teaches you how to make every day one full of wisdom, healing, and magic. For the practicing or would-be witch whose life is more jeans, chaos, and the never-ending question of what's for dinner than it is black robes, cauldrons, and incantations, Mandy Mitchell has a recipe for you!

"I want to demonstrate how daily chores can become magical rituals with the potential to enrich and transform your life–everything from the way we form relationships with our families and friends to cooking, cleaning, and healing." –from the introduction

Journey through the wheel of the year with one eye on the kettle and the other on the magical!
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"Mandy Mitchell's The Hedgewitch Book of Days is the book I wish I'd had when I was a witchy new mom. Laid out monthbymonth, it's simple to pick up and check the lists of magical correspondences when you're in a hurry, but it's also the book you'll want to peruse when you have a bit more time. Each chapter is stuffed full of ideas for spending quality time with your family, ideas for magical works, and simple rituals that can be pulled off in the time you have between chauffeuring back and forth to afterschool activities and trying to get dinner on the table. Speaking of dinner, there are some fabulous seasonal food lists and recipes to help you get a jump on them. A fabulous addition to the libraries of both beginner witches and those who've been on the path for ages and want a few new ideas for simplifying. Definitely two (busy) thumbs up!" --Kris Bradley, author of Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery "In Mandy Mitchell's Hedgewitch Book of Days the author brings the old Hedgewitch right up to date. Emphasis is on food but also touches on magic--rituals and spells. All is delivered in a pleasant easygoing style that makes the book easy to read and tempting to just dip into on occasion. In many ways the Hedgewitch was the 'true' witch, in my opinion. It's about time we had a good book that focused on that wise one." --Raymond Buckland, author of Buckland's Book of Gypsy Magic "Hedgewitch Book of Days is a fantastic find! Perfect for the beginner and a fun, worthwhile read for the experienced, this book explains why we Pagans do what we do along with great ideas of ways to do it. The author's writing style is practical, downtoearth and full of wry observations that will bring a smile to your face as it enriches your spiritual practice. Recipes, ideas for simple observations of the Sabbats and Moons plus practical insights about Pagan practice and more are highlighted in Hedgewitch Book of Days--I recommend this book highly!" --Karen Harrison, author of The Everyday Psychic "Mandy Mitchell manages with ease a rare combination of humor, truth, insight, and usable information about living as witch. Her path is witchcraft as kitchen magic--things that anyone can do while being a parent and running a home. This is a book of real practical magick, written by someone whose dedication shines through every page." --Vivianne Crowley, author of A Witch Alone