Hoodoo Justice Magic

Spells for Power, Protection and Righteous Vindication


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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 “Hoodoo Justice Magic by Miss Aida stresses the importance of performing retaliative magick against those who do not follow the universal laws of morality or righteousness. Miss Aida provides the reader with a helpful self-examination section to ensure that the spell-caster is in the right mind space to perform the spell work from a spirit of justice and not vengeance. She also shares a plethora of spell casting methods—including self-protection. This book serves as a powerful and helpful addition to everyone’s magickal library.”
Alexander Cabot, author of Touched by the Goddess: Memoirs of a High Priest
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Book Details


288 Pages


5.25 x 8.5



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Born into a Cuban family who practiced Santeria, Palo, and Brujeria, Miss Aida has always been surrounded by the practice of magic. She is a natural-born medium and a Hoodoo practitioner, and has received many initiations in Santeria and Palo. She is a registered nurse and a proud US Air Force veteran. A renowned authority on Hoodoo, she is available for workshops, seminars, and media presentations, as well as private psychic readings. Visit her at www.missaida.com.

Hoodoo spellwork and rituals for self-protection and how to get “payback” when you’re wronged.

Features 129 spells, 32 recipes, and numerous rituals.

Historically, Hoodoo was the magic of the disenfranchised, marginalized, and vulnerable. It was born of the need to obtain justice, power, and protection, as these were not typically naturally forthcoming. The ancestors and earliest practitioners of Hoodoo were enslaved African Americans, followed by their descendants and neighbors.

How does one obtain justice if the system is inherently skewed against you? Hoodoo has developed a vast arsenal of justice and payback spells—spells intended to create a balance of power, punish victimizers, and protect victims from further victimization. It also empowers the victimized, so that they are able to rise above their situations, restore self-esteem, and create better, happier lives for themselves. The spells vary from mild to aggressive, depending on the personal level of justification.

Hoodoo Justice Magic contains a diverse collection of these spells, as well as an exploration of their ethics. (Are you really justified? And what happens if you’re not?) Featuring 129 spells, 32 recipes, and numerous rituals, there are also 27 prayers for people who fear actually performing spellwork. The spells incorporate common household articles, such as salt and spices, as well as candles, tarot cards, and recitation of Psalms. Learn how to protect yourself and avoid trouble by recognizing the signs indicating predatory behavior. (Although several spells incorporate specific tarot cards, no previous knowledge or experience of them is required, as they are used as materials or objects that radiate magic power.)
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 “Hoodoo Justice Magic by Miss Aida stresses the importance of performing retaliative magick against those who do not follow the universal laws of morality or righteousness. Miss Aida provides the reader with a helpful self-examination section to ensure that the spell-caster is in the right mind space to perform the spell work from a spirit of justice and not vengeance. She also shares a plethora of spell casting methods—including self-protection. This book serves as a powerful and helpful addition to everyone’s magickal library.”
Alexander Cabot, author of Touched by the Goddess: Memoirs of a High Priest
"What a deviously delicious book, written with Miss Aida's expertise and wit. Witches and Hoodoo folk can pick up a few new tricks. Hoodoo Justice Magic is a must for your spell-working library.” 
Joanie Marie, founder of Pagan and Witch Proud
“Sometimes we feel powerless to prevent injustice and are told never to take justice into our own hands, but that doesn’t apply to all situations. There are times when we need to use Magical Justice to regain our power, protect ourselves or our loved ones, and settle the score. In her infinite wisdom, Miss Aida has conjured up the ideal spell book to do just that.  Whether it’s a hex, a curse, or just needing to get the upper hand on a pesky situation, Hoodoo Justice Magic is a treasure trove of spells that will enable the reader to right the wrongs in a hands-on and straightforward way.” 
Marla Brooks, author of Workplace Spells and Animal Spells and Magick
“Miss Aida has compiled a thorough catalogue of spells that target many specific needs in our hectic, everyday lives. From having an ethical reason to engage in the work to the spell itself, through all of the possibilities of its success or failure, Hoodoo Justice Magic will aid you every step of the way.” 
Tim Shaw, host of the Black Cat Lounge, and author of Ghosts of Buffalo
“I was very excited to read Miss Aida’s new book, Hoodoo Justice Magic and I absolutely love it!  There is some old school, heavy hitting stuff in this book that reminds me of how the “backwoods” root workers would settle a score - justifiably!  As a palera and a root worker, I highly recommend Hoodoo Justice Magic to every practitioner.” 
Lelia Marino, Yaya Nkisi, proprietress of Ms. Rain’s Conjure Shop, and creator of the Real Life Oracle
“As always, Miss Aida stands out as an author in the field of Hoodoo both for her vast understanding of the subject and her generous way of explaining each concept and each principle in simple terms without leaving out any detail. Hoodoo Justice Magic is the perfect guide to inspire and teach you how to take justice into your own hands when justified, speed up legal processes and turn them to your advantage, resolve ambiguous situations, and learn to protect yourself and find divine guidance in the process.” 
Elhoim Leafar, author of The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags and Manifestation Magic
“I love Hoodoo Justice Magic: I can’t put it down! Hoodoo Justice Magic feels like more than just a book. It feels as if Miss Aida is physically present in the room with the reader. Her energy -- simultaneously strong and nurturing --  breathes life into every word. I can hear her voice in my head and feel her hands on my hands, guiding, counseling, teaching, and supporting us in righteous vindication every step of the way.” 
Mary-Grace Fahrun, author of Italian Folk Magic: Rue’s Kitchen Witchery