Hope the Hopeful Piglet

A Picture Book Teaching Children Kindness and Compassion


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Imprint: Lantern Publishing & Media
Availability: In stock
“This short and beautiful story is the kind of stories I believe parents should be sharing with their babies, the next generation, who has a power to change how we view life and our perception of other animals. Hope’s story is one that many animals have experienced, but unfortunately, many more have experienced the story of her mother. It is the both the responsibility and the privilege of parents to raise kids who will try their best to take important moral stances and live ethical lives. In a world where many ignore the importance of concepts such as love and respect, let Hope’s story raise children who will embrace these concepts.”
—Seb Alex, animal rights activist, lecturer, photojournalist, and author
“All libraries need to make space on their shelves for Hope the Hopeful Piglet and her story. Told through the eyes of this adorable little pig, children will be gently educated and entertained by her moving story. I truly wish this book existed back when I was a kid.”
—Sorsha Morava, animal rights activist and content creator
“The book I wish I read as a child! A wonderful introduction into animal rights… A thoughtful, heartfelt, realistic, and compassionate look at the animals that children love.”
—Atomic Vegans, animal rights activists and artists
“A little story of Hope, her life was almost lost.
People wanted to hurt her; they didn’t know the cost.
She’s such a smart, loving girl who, like us, can think and feel.
How ever could we hurt her, she’s more than just a meal.”
—Emma Graf, animal rights activist and mother
“The hardest part about raising vegan children isn’t what to feed them; It’s protecting their natural sense of compassion in a world full of indifference.”
—Sara Marti, animal rights activist and mother
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Book Details


52 Pages


11.5 x 9.25



Pub. Date





Lantern Publishing & Media


Devin Staurbringer has been a vegan and animal rights activist for ten years. Devin loves to write, travel, do photography, and make videos. His life is dedicated to helping animals, humans, and the planet by educating people and sharing his creative passion. Devin hopes to make the world a kinder and more compassionate place. This is his first book.

A moving picture book about piglet named Hope that gets rescued from a factory farm, and her journey to an animal sanctuary.
A piglet named Hope is born in a factory farm, and her mother is taken away. Distraught, Hope is transferred to somewhere new, and she hopes it will be a nice place. While in the truck, she meets a bird that tells her about how great the “park” is, and Hope thinks that’s where they’re going. Hope also meets a dog who tells her that he is going to the beach, and Hope wishes that she were going there too. And finally she meets a squirrel who describes how wonderful the woods are, and Hope would like to go there too. The truck pulls into a dark building, and Hope is put in a dirty pen with other piglets. Each day she sees more and more of her piglet friends being taken away. She is very scared and sad. But one night, a little girl comes into the dark building and picks Hope up and brings her outside. The girl puts Hope in a car and drives through the night. In the morning, they arrive at an animal sanctuary where Hope finally feels safe. There are a lot of other animal friends for Hope to play in the grass and woods with. All the humans are nice and love to feed the animals and give them hugs. Hope wishes that all animals could be loved.

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“This short and beautiful story is the kind of stories I believe parents should be sharing with their babies, the next generation, who has a power to change how we view life and our perception of other animals. Hope’s story is one that many animals have experienced, but unfortunately, many more have experienced the story of her mother. It is the both the responsibility and the privilege of parents to raise kids who will try their best to take important moral stances and live ethical lives. In a world where many ignore the importance of concepts such as love and respect, let Hope’s story raise children who will embrace these concepts.”
—Seb Alex, animal rights activist, lecturer, photojournalist, and author
“All libraries need to make space on their shelves for Hope the Hopeful Piglet and her story. Told through the eyes of this adorable little pig, children will be gently educated and entertained by her moving story. I truly wish this book existed back when I was a kid.”
—Sorsha Morava, animal rights activist and content creator
“The book I wish I read as a child! A wonderful introduction into animal rights… A thoughtful, heartfelt, realistic, and compassionate look at the animals that children love.”
—Atomic Vegans, animal rights activists and artists
“A little story of Hope, her life was almost lost.
People wanted to hurt her; they didn’t know the cost.
She’s such a smart, loving girl who, like us, can think and feel.
How ever could we hurt her, she’s more than just a meal.”
—Emma Graf, animal rights activist and mother
“The hardest part about raising vegan children isn’t what to feed them; It’s protecting their natural sense of compassion in a world full of indifference.”
—Sara Marti, animal rights activist and mother “For too many it’s easy to turn a blind eye to the voiceless victims of animal agriculture. This uplifting tale lends a voice to one such victim and pulls at our heartstrings as we experience the realities of our cruel food system from a baby animal’s point of view. As a mother, I couldn’t help but empathize with the main character as if she were my own little one. It’s essential to educate kids about everyday injustices like this and empower them to make compassionate choices for animals, people, and the planet.”
—Ashley Renne Nsonwu, activist, speaker, educator
“This book beautifully illustrates how all animals are the same—they all want love happiness companionship and freedom. Unfortunately, today’s society teaches our children that some animals are to be protected and loved, and some are to be imprisoned and hurt. It’s so important to re-educate our future generations that all animals are equal and deserve to live their lives in peace. That’s why as activists we need to spread the word of veganism, for the good of the animals, our planet, and also our own health.”
—Sarah Jane Abdennadher, animal rights activist