How to Listen and How to Be Heard

Inclusive Conversations at Work


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Imprint: Career Press
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"How to Listen and How to Be Heard gets to the heart of communication issues at work. Using Alissa's techniques, your workplace will be more inclusive, creative, and productive."
Dorie Clark, executive education professor at the Duke University Fuqua School of Business and author, Reinventing You and Stand Out
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Book Details


256 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Alissa Carpenter is a multigenerational workplace expert and owner of Everything’s Not Ok and That’s OK, where she provides training, consulting, and speaking services to organizations all over the world. Carpenter has delivered a TEDx talk on authentic workplace communication, and has been featured in media outlets including Forbes, ABC, FOX, and CNN Money.

Named a Best Nonfiction Book of 2020 by Cosmopolitan!

For anyone who has ever felt their voice isn't heard at work. This is a guide on how to empower yourself and others to communicate with people who think, act, and experience things differently than you do, and do so with more confidence, candor, and authenticity.

Too often, people avoid difficult conversations; but these discussions often need to happen to bring people together so we can all succeed.

There’s no denying that our workplaces are more diverse than ever. Age, race, gender—there are so many different perspectives and experiences being brought to the table. And the best employees and leaders know that harnessing the power of these differences will build stronger teams, ideas, and organizations. But how do we do this? If we all think, feel, and act so differently, how do we get anything done?

The first step is recognizing that these differences exist. And that they’re here to stay. We need to respect and embrace our varied viewpoints, and then we can start to communicate across (not against) them.

How to Listen and How to be Heard shows you how to bridge the conversation gap and use your unique voice to start powerful conversations. This book is about learning how to communicate with, through, and alongside what makes us different. It’s about open dialogue and practical tools that get everyone on the same page—or at least in the same room. It’s not about quick fixes or the absence of conflict; it’s about working toward authentic communication in the workplace—for managers, employees, and colleagues from all fields. It’s about remembering that we’re all here to work together.

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"How to Listen and How to Be Heard gets to the heart of communication issues at work. Using Alissa's techniques, your workplace will be more inclusive, creative, and productive."
Dorie Clark, executive education professor at the Duke University Fuqua School of Business and author, Reinventing You and Stand Out
"The working world is a more diverse place than ever before. Open dialogues are a must and lead to innovation and harmonious teams. Alissa Carpenter provides a guide to successful communication in the workplace."
Dan Schawbel, author, Back to Human, Promote Yourself, and Me 2.0
“This must-read book teaches you an approach to handling difficult conversations and offers a roadmap to bring people together for more productive, human connections.”
Deirdre Breakenridge, Author, Speaker & CEO at Pure Performance Communications

“If you want to become a more effective communicator follow Alissa’s valuable advice in How to Listen and How to Be Heard. You won’t regret the conversation that happens afterwards.”

Laura Vanderkam, author, Off the Clock and Juliet's School of Possibilities
“Carpenter offers useful insight on starting tough conversations. Many practical and actionable suggestions throughout the book make it a valuable read for anyone interested in working on their communication practices.”
Library Journal