Impossible Realities

The Science Behind Energy Healing, Telepathy, Reincarnation, Precognition, and Other Black Swan Phenomena


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Maureen Caudill spent more than twenty years as a computer scientist, fifteen of those as a researcher in artificial intelligence and neural networks. She was a program manager and Artificial Intelligence researcher working on such advanced projects as DARPA ("High Performance Knowledge Base" program) and ARDA ("Advanced Question Answering for Intelligence" program).

Impossible Realities is one of the first books to examine the science behind psychic and paranormal activity. A former Defense Department expert on artificial intelligence, Maureen Caudill provides evidence for a wide range of paranormal phenomena.

Impossible Realities presents a wealth of anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove the existence (and power) of:

  • psychokinesis (most famously spoon bending)
  • remote viewing
  • energy healing
  • telepathy, animal telepathy
  • precognition
  • survival after death
  • reincarnation

Caudill presents the strongest case yet for bringing paranormal phenomena from the margins into the realm of the normal and credible. This is a book both for true believers and skeptics alike.

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