Joys of a Guardian Angel


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Imprint: Ozark Mountain Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


312 Pages


5.5 x 8.5



Pub. Date





Ozark Mountain Publishing


Annie Stillwater Gray is a writer, mystic, astrologer, healer, public speaker, teacher, audio and visual artist, singer-songwriter, and media veteran. She has been a radio broadcaster since 1974 and has her own syndicated program, The General Store Variety Show, now in its twentieth year. Also, she has helped start a community radio station near her home in Maine.

Annie has studied integrated energy therapy, Reiki, and Bach flower remedies. She has been helping people consciously connect with their spirit guides since 1989. Annie received a BFA from Boston University in graphic arts and writing. She writes songs and creates designs for all the CD covers and publicity for her bands, including her western band Merry-Go-Roundup.

Add this book to your collection and embrace much joy. The good news is that we human beings have much assistance from Spirit to guide us through Earth’s transformation.

In this book, you will meet seven spirit helpers available to all. Each has unique gifts and talents to help us as the climate changes, society changes, and our lives change. Meet these exceptional nature spirits and invite them into your world.

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