Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
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"This book is going to be a valuable tool for people who are serious about their spiritual journey. It's one of those topics that people can't get enough of and I want to thank Debra for taking on a huge topic in such a beautiful way." --Echo Bodine, author of My Big Book of Healing and Echoes of the Soul
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Book Details


240 Pages


5 x 7


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Debra Landwehr Engle is the originator and facilitator of Tending Your Inner Garden workshops and a longtime teacher of A Course in Miracles, as well as a widely traveled inspirational speaker. Her websites include www.goldentreeco.com and www.tendingyourinnergarden.com.

"Live without your spirit guides and you miss out on an enormous support system that could make your life infinitely easier and more enjoyable."

This is a clear and thoughtful introduction to building relationships with your spirit guides. It shows readers how helpful spirit guides and angels can be in everything from the simplest to the most challenging of life decisions and how easy they are to connect with, too.

Our spirit guides help us to:

  • Fulfill our purpose
  • Make decisions that will move us forward faster
  • Stop sabotaging ourselves as well as judging ourselves and everyone else
  • Remember that we are more than our job or house or relationship
  • See ourselves as beautiful and everything in life as a gift
  • Give ourselves and everybody else a break
  • Keep growing until the day we leave our bodies behind
  • Go beyond the life we hoped for and onto the life we never even imagined

And they do all of these things when we're ready and not a nanosecond before. They also often come quietly. As the author states: "If we expect help from Spirit to arrive with the sound of trumpets and blinding light, we'll overlook all the nuanced help that's delivered in small ways every day."

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"This book is going to be a valuable tool for people who are serious about their spiritual journey. It's one of those topics that people can't get enough of and I want to thank Debra for taking on a huge topic in such a beautiful way." --Echo Bodine, author of My Big Book of Healing and Echoes of the Soul "If you want to learn ways to connect with your spirit guides, Debra Engle has provided the map to do so. It outlines ways to do so which are accompanied by stories and examples that illustrate these ways. IT is a must have for spiritual seekers!" --Dr. Steven Farmer, international author, spiritual psychotherapist and shamanic healer "In this short and sweet instructional manual, Engle demystifies the idea of a spiritual helper. Exploring the sense of the spirit world that she has felt since a young age, she likens spiritual helpers to ground control operators for aircraft who, although not physically present, are always watching and offering advice. Engle challenges her readers to consider what is possible if they learn to work with their spiritual helpers by seeking creative solutions and new ways of approaching life's dilemmas. She concentrates mostly on the language of the spirit world, such as urges to take certain actions for no apparent reason, and words, pictures, sounds, colors, and numbers that continue to show up, almost as if instructing one to pay close attention. Some of Engle's impressions come off as wistful or ungrounded, but her advice to sit still with paper and pen and ask any question that comes to mind, simply recording any and all impressions, is a fine jumping-off point for further daily spiritual reflection." --Publishers Weekly, September 2016

"Debra Landwehr Engle, author, inspirational speaker, teacher, and blogger of faith, takes a leap forward with her newest project Let Your Spirit Guides Speak. In her previous book, The Only Little Prayer You Need, she merely hints at the subject of spirit guides. She has now fully embraced the topic and shares boldly about it.

Engle continues to inspire readers, viewers, and live audiences with her gentle nature, considerable kindness, and wisdom, as well as the reassuring passages that we are all being taken care in times of uncertainty. Let Your Spirit Guides Speak will help readers of every level to initiate and cultivate a relationship with their personal spirit guides. Engle's ministry of using prayer and meditation on a regular basis to request guidance at all times, receive extra support during times of challenge and transition, and to deepen the meaning of our lives and appreciate our connection with Spirit will truly inspire readers." -Allyson Gracie, Retailing Insight