
Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide, and Being of Light


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Imprint: New Page Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Sahvanna Arienta is a practicing psychic medium and intuitive advisor with clientele from around the globe. She is also author of The Lightworker’s Source, Lightworker Relationships, and Lightworker’s Guide to Astral Realms. A respected radio host and recipient of six International Paranormal Acknowledgement Awards, she has studied and explored the metaphysical and paranormal realms extensively for more than twenty years. She is also the creator of Soul’s Journey Media, a new thought company that brings messages of spiritual enlightenment to people all over the world.

Are You a Lightworker?

A Lightworker is someone who has a rare gift: the ability to lend their healing energy to a planet that is now heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren’t necessarily well-known spiritual gurus—they are also musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts in many ways; by speaking out for those who have no voice, creating glorious works of art that uplift our planet, or perhaps writing music that elevates our spirits. But many Lightworkers have forgotten their divine purpose. They live among us, unaware of who they really are. And we can’t always recognize them or fully understand their special qualities. But one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before. 

Here, Sahvanna Arienta—long-time psychic medium and intuitive advisor with clientele from around the globe—shows how to:

  • Discover the true origin of your soul
  • Realize your unique gifts
  • Learn how anxiety, depression, or addiction may actually be signs of a Lightworker’s highly sensitive nature
  • Transform you sensitivities into extrasensory perceptions
  • And use these qualities as healing powers

Sahvanna Arienta’s Lightworker will change the way you view yourself and your life’s challenges and to discover your true place in the world.

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