Living In A Quantum Reality

Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness


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Imprint: Turning Stone Press
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"This is a welcome addition to the growing literature of quantum psychology. I found it interesting and useful and you will too. The author has a lively readable style to boot." -Amit Goswami, quantum physicist and the author of Quantum Creativity and Quantum EconomicsAmit Goswami
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Book Details


236 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC is a nationally certified and licensed professional counselor in Colorado. In her holistic, integrative (Eastern-Western psychology) private practice, she sees individuals and couples, specializing in issues of subtle energy awareness and awakening to higher consciousness love. Visit her online at

For those who have experienced a transpersonal or spiritual awakening, it can be difficult to come back to living in the day-to-day world. All of a sudden, you may be faced with challenges such as anxiety, depression, despair, the Dark Night of the Soul, and a multitude of other energetic and spiritual imbalances. Living in a Quantum Reality helps to identify the common side effects of wholeness consciousness and offers a variety of exercises, meditations, and healing methods to cope with having a higher consciousness in a world that is still struggling to catch up.

Living in a Quantum Reality helps you understand your “impossible” transpersonal experiences by integrating quantum physics into psychology and offering a user-friendly description of the many layers or spheres of energy and consciousness. This vision of the quantum self synthesizes spiritual thought with an array of scientific disciplines, and is supported by the author’s own direct experiences, as well as her clients’ experiences with larger reality.

This book is a step toward advancing the field of psychology, and especially the practice of psychotherapy, to catch up with the latest, more quantum, worldview, one that is more comprehensive for understanding the reaches of our human consciousness and psycho-spiritual experiences.

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"This is a welcome addition to the growing literature of quantum psychology. I found it interesting and useful and you will too. The author has a lively readable style to boot." -Amit Goswami, quantum physicist and the author of Quantum Creativity and Quantum EconomicsAmit Goswami
"I was recently working on an article about why Energy Psychology is referred to as such and the integral connection between energy, consciousness, and universal consciousness, when along came Valerie Varan's book Living in a Quantum Reality. Synchronicity? Absolutely! This is a remarkable book that offers an in-depth excursion into Valerie's consulting room, and helps us to get in touch with our energy, consciousness, higher self and more. The book explores varieties of our energy from slower to higher vibration, a profoundly important understanding of who we really are. Read this, and read it again and again. Absorb the wisdom and the practical exercises and suggestions for reaching higher levels of vibration and consciousness. This is a book needed for our time." -Fred P. Gallo, Ph.D., DCEP, author of Energy Psychology, and President of Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Fred P. Gallo, Ph.D. "Modern science is beginning to learn that the subtle energy field of the body, also known as the "aura," affects our health and well-being in many ways. It carries the patterns of growth and repair that govern the physical body, and it connects us to the higher spiritual planes involving past lives and the deeper reasons we are here in this lifetime. By working with these deep connections it is possible to achieve healing in ways that are impossible using conventional psychology. Valerie Varan, in her pioneering book Living in a Quantum Reality, has taken the important step of showing how these energies can be used in the therapeutic process, and has made a valuable contribution to energy psychology." -Dr. Claude Swanson, author of Life Force, the Scientific BasisDr. Claude Swanson
"Living in a Quantum Reality brings 21st Century science to the emotional and spiritual challenges of living in the 21st Century. Starting with an ambitious if speculative synthesis of consciousness studies and quantum physics, the book provides wise guidance for all of us grappling with a world that is in terrifying chaos while teeming with unprecedented opportunities." -David Feinstein, Ph.D., author of The Promise of Energy Psychology and co-author of The Energies of Love: Using Energy Medicine to Keep Your Relationship Thriving
David Feinstein, Ph.D.
"On one level this book offers intriguing information on the intersection between quantum physics and psychology. On another level it challenges therapists and healers to consider the totality, both seen and unseen of the person in front of them, and of the space in between." -Julie Uhernik, RN, LPC, NCC, author of Using Neuroscience in Trauma Therapy
Julie Uhernik, RN, LPC, NCC
"I felt an internal validation as I read Valerie Varan’s Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness, as I have lectured on the quantum effects that are manifested in the fusion of science and spirituality. I believe her book will be especially helpful to my colleagues in the field of transpersonal psychology who are providing therapy to individuals who are encountering body, mind, and spirit phenomena such as near-death experiences. I recommend Varan’s book to the seekers who are looking for an understanding of how we all interface as actors and observers in this quantum oneness." --Neil Helm, PhD, Scholar in Residence (Ret), Atlantic University
Neil Helm
"As I am reading Valerie’s book, I am struck with the exciting possibilities of what it would be like to vibrate with higher energies on a more regular basis. Finally, I can “see” that dissolving my human boundaries doesn’t have to feel scary because I might be “losing” myself, but rather that I would be GAINING the Universe and the thrilling possibility of what that might mean. It has helped me realize how my fears are holding me back to “becoming” what I am meant to be. The more I read, the more excited I become and the higher I vibrate!! I can honestly say that for the first time I am understanding what it feels like to “let go” and feel the subtle connectedness to all that is!!" -Judy Ford, LPC, Licensed Professional Counselor
Judy Ford