Love, Service, Wisdom

The Ancient Inca Path to Inner Harmony


Imprint: Hierophant Publishing
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 11/18/2025

Book Details


216 Pages


5.25 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Hierophant Publishing


Jorge Luis Delgado, an Inca by birth and heritage, walks the path of the chacaruna. His passion is to bring authentic Inca heritage, spiritual traditions, and handcrafts to worldwide attention. He considers the oral tradition, taught in the different Inca communities, to be his ever-expanding higher education.

In this one-of-a-kind book, Inca shaman Jorge Luis Delgado teaches readers the three pillars of his culture’s spiritual tradition: munay, llankey, and yachay—or love, service, and wisdom. Readers will learn through stories and rituals how to embrace these values and their own inner sun.

Munay | Llankay | Yachay

The Inca people have long recognized that each person is a microcosm of the greater universe governed by the law of ayni, or sacred reciprocity. By aligning our hearts, minds, and actions, we can live in harmony with ourselves, our communities, and the natural world. In this unique book, wisdom keeper and chakaruna Jorge Luis Delgado teaches readers how to live in harmony with the universe through the three core principles of Inca spirituality.

Munay, a concept central to Inca spirituality, is the unconditional love that is the fundamental creative force of the cosmos. Through heart-opening meditations and rituals honoring Pachamama, or Mother Earth, readers will learn to awaken their inner sun and radiate this loving energy to all beings.

Llankay, or sacred action, is the second pillar of Inca wisdom. By aligning our actions with our most deeply cherished values, we can become cocreators of a more beautiful world. Delgado shares Inca techniques for finding flow, building community, and honoring the sacredness of service.

Yachay is the wisdom we gain when we release hucha, or heavy energy, and embrace the radiance of our inner sun. By casting aside that which does not serve us, we make space for the innate wisdom of nature to express itself through us, becoming messengers of peace and light.

Filled with the mythology, rituals, and cosmology of the Inca tradition, Love, Service, Wisdom is an invitation to live as a radiant, heart-centered being in service of all life.

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