On the Trail of Bigfoot

Tracking the Enigmatic Giants of the Forest


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Imprint: New Page Books
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"Refreshing, thoughtful, thoroughly entertaining! Dupler is an experienced investigator who addresses many facets of the Sasquatch phenomenon." --Ken Gerhard, Cryptozoologist, author of Encounters with Flying Humanoids
Ken Gerhard
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Book Details


240 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Mike Dupler is a paranormal author and avid outdoorsman. A native Ohioan, he has sought adventures across the United States, and attends cryptozoology conferences across the country. Visit him at mikedupler.com.

“Join Mike Dupler on his journey of adventure and discovery for the enigmatic giants of the forests. I highly recommend this book!” —Loren Coleman, author and founder of the International Cryptozoology Museum

“Refreshing, thoughtful, thoroughly entertaining! Dupler is an experienced investigator who addresses many facets of the Sasquatch phenomenon.” —Ken Gerhard, cryptozoologist and author of Encounters with Flying Humanoids

On the Trail of Bigfoot is a firsthand account from paranormal researcher and skilled outdoorsman Mike Dupler on his many years of investigations into the Bigfoot phenomena. It features his own encounters with these enigmatic creatures, complete with photographs.

This plainspoken guide explores a variety of fascinating aspects of the Bigfoot mystery:

    Whether Bigfoot are interdimensional beings or biological—or both
  • The similarities and disparities between the Sasquatch phenomena and other paranormal manifestations (fairies, wild men, Mothman, and the strange events at the notorious Skinwalker Ranch)
  • Bigfoot’s origins and their place on the primate evolutionary tree

On the Trail of Bigfoot also offers compelling theories as to the origins and arrival of Bigfoot in North America. Unique to this book is a detailed examination of stick structures attributed to Sasquatch, providing a wealth of information and reasoned speculation on the nature of these enigmatic calling cards that serve as haunting reminders of Bigfoot’s presence. Other evidence examined provides insight into possible communication techniques, such as tree knocks and perhaps even a spoken language, and an exploration of the implications of Bigfoot’s social interactions and higher intelligence.

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"Refreshing, thoughtful, thoroughly entertaining! Dupler is an experienced investigator who addresses many facets of the Sasquatch phenomenon." --Ken Gerhard, Cryptozoologist, author of Encounters with Flying Humanoids
Ken Gerhard
"Some of the best Bigfoot books are those built on the memories of experiences told by those firsthand. Join Mike Dupler on his journey of adventure and discovery for the enigmatic giants of the forests. I highly recommend this book!" -Loren Coleman, author and founder of the International Crypyozoology Museum
Loren Coleman