Planets in Therapy

Predictive Technique and the Art of Counseling


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Imprint: Ibis Press
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"Consciousness, wisdom, and healing are all achieved through synthesis. In this fine new work, Greg Bogart has given the reader just that--a synthesis of astrology, psychology, and a beautiful panoply of spiritual teachings infused throughout the text. Bogart has also achieved something quite special, an integration of the work and perspective of one of the founding fathers of modern astrology, Dane Rudhyar. Rudhyar lives on through one of his most devoted students in a form that is of benefit to all serious practitioners of our celestial art and science."
Alan Oken
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Book Details


304 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Greg Bogart, Ph.D, MFT is a psychotherapist and counseling astrologer in the San Francisco Bay Area, and teaches in the Counseling Psychology and East-West Psychology programs at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is also a lecturer in psychology at Sonoma State University. He is certified as an astrological counselor by the International Association for Astrological Research (ISAR) and National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR). Greg is the author of Astrology and Meditation, Astrology and Spiritual Awakening, and Dreamwork and Self-Healing WebsiteL

This book explores archetypal symbolism, predictive technique, and counseling process in therapeutic astrology. Combining insights from Jungian depth psychology, developmental theory, alchemy and dream symbolism with the precision of planetary transits, progressions and midpoints, Planets in Therapy is an inspiring approach to the healing art of astrology.

Planets in Therapy clearly and succinctly explains the interpretation of the language and techniques of astrology, the depth psychological, transpersonal and spiritual meaning of planetary symbolism, and its power to heal and transform.

Greg Bogart masterfully guides the reader through the principles of psychological astrology, emphasizing the process of self-tansformation, spiritual evolution, and discovering the meaning in every event and every moment. A wide range of examples demonstrate how to apply this knowledge to skillfully help others as a counseling astrologer.

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"Consciousness, wisdom, and healing are all achieved through synthesis. In this fine new work, Greg Bogart has given the reader just that--a synthesis of astrology, psychology, and a beautiful panoply of spiritual teachings infused throughout the text. Bogart has also achieved something quite special, an integration of the work and perspective of one of the founding fathers of modern astrology, Dane Rudhyar. Rudhyar lives on through one of his most devoted students in a form that is of benefit to all serious practitioners of our celestial art and science."
Alan Oken
"You are going to totally love this book if you are serious about mastering the art of astrology, and if you are interested in how all thinking, both conscious and unconscious, interfaces with planetary alignments."
Michael Lutin, author of SunShines: The Astrology of Being Happy