Rulers of the Horoscope

Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth


475 in stock

Imprint: Nicolas-Hays
Availability: In stock

Book Details


304 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Alan Oken has written several bestsellers, including Alan Oken's Complete Astrology, Soul-Centered Astrology, and Rulers of the Horoscope. An internationally known lecturer and teacher, he speaks and writes in six languages and has taught in over 30 countries. He has an active astrological consulting practice and a significant web presence. He is the founder and director of the Wisdom School.

A practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships, Rulers of the Horoscope : Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth is the definitive sourcebook on this topic. Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the labyrinth of delineating and synthesizing the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule. He defines and describes derivative houses, planetary and house rulerships, dispositorships, mutual reception and the compatibility and nature of importance of their placement in the horoscope.

The astrological charts of well-known people are illustrated with detailed descriptions of planetary relationships, their positive and negative aspects, and the traditional and modern interpretation of the houses.

Alan Oken’s in-depth exploration of the ruler for each of the twelve houses and the rulers of the rising sign is an invaluable tool for astrology students and teachers alike.

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