Scorpio Pocket Zodiac Cards

40 Magical Messages from the Stars


2047 in stock

Imprint: Red Wheel
Availability: In stock

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4.25 x 2.25



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Red Wheel Weiser


Ginny Chiara Viola is a professional astrologer and founder of the Stelle Nascenti school of astrology based in Italy. Viola studies at the May School in London and with Marco Pesatori in Milan. She is one of Europe's most popular astrologers, writing horoscopes for several magazines and digital outlets.

Questions about love, career, well-being, or family? Allow yourself to be inspired by the magic of the zodiac.
Scorpio is such a deep sign it is almost endless. It is a well from which not even an echo returns. It is a boundless desire that makes its way around the globe with apparent nonchalance and cold analysis. To use Hitchcock’s definition of his muse Grace Kelly, Scorpio is a “snow-covered volcano.”
Forty magical messages from the stars to guide you on issues of love, career, well-being, and family.
From the moment we are born, the universe begins to speak to us—not with words, but with stars, planets, and celestial bodies.
The position of the stars at the moment we came into the world assigns us a zodiac sign and binds us to it. That zodiac sign represents our compass, our personal universal key to decipher the messages of the cosmos and orient ourselves in the world.
The messages on each of these cards are inspired by the stars and planets found in your zodiac sign. Shuffle the cards, draw one randomly, read its contents, then let it be your guide for the day ahead. Or separate the cards according to the colors of the four categories: love, career, well-being, and family. Shuffle, ask a question, and draw one card from your chosen category. A message from the universe is there waiting for you! Are you ready to listen?
There are twelve Pocket Zodiac mini card decks, one for each sign in Western astrology. Each deck features forty cards covering love, career, well-being, and family. The small, magnetic-closure box makes it easy to take your Pocket Zodiac cards anywhere.

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