Secrets of Chinese Meditation

Self-Cultivation by Mind Control As Taught in the Ch'An, Mahayana and Taoist Schools in China


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Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


5.5 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


The Secrets of Chinese Meditation is a classic text that presents a rare opportunity: a chance to study the ancient and original sources which are the basis for most contemporary texts on consciousness development. Lu K’uaan Yu is one of the foremost interpreters of Chinese meditation practices. This concise volume is a presentation of different methods of meditation as practiced in China, including extracts from ancient and modern classics as well as practiced and detailed suggestions for meditation. Meditation is crucial for the development of consciousness, and the Taoist art of controlling the breath is a prerequisite for training in the martial arts. The Secrets of Chinese Meditation provides students with practical instructions for controlling the breath and calming the mind the foundation of selfrealization. The way to consciousness will be different for all individuals. This classic work is a source book that encourages you to knowledgeably choose the way most useful to your chosen path.
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