Secrets of Warfare

Exposing the Myths and Hidden History of Weapons and Battles


13 in stock

Imprint: New Page Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


256 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


William Weir has written 13 previous books, mostly about military history and crime, including 50 Military Leaders Who Changed the World and 50 Battles That Changed the World. He is a former soldier, a military policeman, and a Korean War infantry combat veteran. He is a retired industrial editor and freelance magazine writer.

You’ve already heard about the first Civil War battle between the ironclad warships the Monitor and the Merrimac, and about why Custer’s last stand was, well, his last, but have you heard about the incredibly fast and maneuverable airship Dr. Solomon Andrews, which was offered to the government during the Civil War?

Secrets of Warfare exposes many of the myths that have kept the public misinformed about warfare, the most dangerous of all human activities. Some myths are the result of deliberate misrepresentation; others, the result of ignorance or bigotry. In any case, there is no substitute for the truth.

Secrets of Warfare explores:

  • Battles from the ancient world and the alleged superiority of Western nations from the earliest times.
  • The famed myth of the English longbow.
  • The introduction of submarines to warfare prior to World War I.
  • The deadliest American air raids of World War II.
  • The supposed “attack” on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.

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