Talismans and Tarot

Magical Tools to Amplify, Attract, and Manifest


Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 09/02/2025



6 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Lori Lytle provides mystical and practical guidance with tarot as @innergoddesstarot. She is a solitary witch, priestess, diviner, introverted empath, and an ordained minister with the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry. She has been a featured presenter at international tarot conferences, including the Northwest Tarot Symposium in Portland, the Light & Love Tarot Reading Festival in Montreal, and the World Divination Association’s online conference. She has also served as an instructor in Ethony Dawn’s popular Tarot Summer School. Find out more and read Lori’s blog at innergoddesstarot.com.


Talismans and Tarot offers tarot lovers a new way to add power to their practice! By combining magic, rituals, and the use of talismans alongside the cards, readers will find support in manifesting their goals, dreams, and desires.
As our ancestors did before us, we put our faith in lucky charms and talismans. Maybe you have a protective charm like a guardian angel pendant or an evil eye. Perhaps it is a family heirloom, a crystal, a small figurine, a foreign coin, or another fascinating object that brings you comfort and luck. We adorn ourselves with symbolic images and carry talismans because we hope in some way to improve our lives and reach our goals. We also turn to these touchstones when we are fearful or in need of comfort. Or when we’re inspired or ambitious and want to believe that anything is possible.
Lovers of tarot know that the cards inspire with those same intentions. Incorporating talismans with tarot reading offers a powerful and lasting impact. It is a magical combination that helps to amplify intentions and attract positive energy. It enables you to carry the power of a tarot reading with you every day as it supports and guides you toward manifesting your intentions.
Talismans and Tarot offers guidance for hands-on practices that include setting intentions, choosing and consecrating your talisman, and when and how to do readings. Readers will learn to confidently work their magic in the way that most resonates with them. Lori Lytle offers a unique approach to tarot that inspires, guides, and supports the reader while empowering them to take impactful action toward their goals.

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