Tarot Disassembled

(78 Full-Color Cards)


3172 in stock

Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock
“This deck is incredibly unique and genius.”
—Brandy Rachelle, cohost of Keepin’ It Symbol podcast
Tarot Disassembled is an exciting new way to work with the tarot. Jennifer Cooper Steidley created the deck by isolating the traditional RWS symbols and rearranging them in a bold and colorful pattern on each card. This has the effect of liberating the symbols from time and place, allowing the reader to freely construct new meanings and stories.”
“This vivid, solar-hued reimagining of Rider-Waite-Smith swept me off my witchy feet at first sight! What’s brilliant about this deck—aside from the eye-catching colors—is its ability to break each card down into symbolic pieces devoid of people or human characters (except for an artist mannequin contained within a few cards only). This adds a sense of intuitive freedom that might sometimes be lost with the detailed human elements common in most tarot systems.”
—Calling Corners
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3.25 x 5.25



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Red Wheel Weiser


Jennifer Cooper Steidley is a graphic designer by day and a tarot deck collector, creator, and enthusiast at all other times.

“The true tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.”
—A. E. Waite

With a bright color palette and bold graphics, this unique seventy-eight-card full-color tarot deck deconstructs and reexamines the traditional symbolism found in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, opening the door for fresh insight into a classic. Tarot Disassembled allows the user to connect with the tarot in a completely intuitive way, free from any pictorial narrative around gender, skin color, age, size, ability, or any other human constructs.
The simplicity of the symbols makes it a great first deck for beginners, and pros will enjoy unpeeling the traditional tarot like an onion—discovering layer upon layer of meaning in the richness of simple imagery.

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“This deck is incredibly unique and genius.”
—Brandy Rachelle, cohost of Keepin’ It Symbol podcast
Tarot Disassembled is an exciting new way to work with the tarot. Jennifer Cooper Steidley created the deck by isolating the traditional RWS symbols and rearranging them in a bold and colorful pattern on each card. This has the effect of liberating the symbols from time and place, allowing the reader to freely construct new meanings and stories.”
“This vivid, solar-hued reimagining of Rider-Waite-Smith swept me off my witchy feet at first sight! What’s brilliant about this deck—aside from the eye-catching colors—is its ability to break each card down into symbolic pieces devoid of people or human characters (except for an artist mannequin contained within a few cards only). This adds a sense of intuitive freedom that might sometimes be lost with the detailed human elements common in most tarot systems.”
—Calling Corners