The Autism Prophecies

How an Evolution of Healers and Intuitives is Influencing Our Spiritual Future


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Imprint: New Page Books
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"In The Autism Prophecies, William Stillman reveals more startling truths about evolution, the future of our planet, and what the rapidly growing community of (autistic) individuals is really here to teach us."
Sandra Sedgbeer, editor in chief, Inspired Parenting and Children of the New Earth magazines
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Book Details


208 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


William Stillman is the author of the groundbreaking book Autism and the God Connection, the first study of the profound spiritual, mystical, and metaphysical gifts of some individuals with autism. His other books include The Autism Answer Book, The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome, and Demystifying the Autistic Experience. Stillman also writes columns for The Autism Perspective and Children of the New Earth magazines. As an adult with Asperger's Syndrome, a mild "cousin" of autism, Stillman endeavors to highlight the exquisite sensitivities of our most valuable, wise, and loving "teachers."

It is estimated that every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with autism. No one knows why cases of autism are increasing worldwide. In The Autism Prophecies, award-winning author William Stillman, who is someone on the autism spectrum himself, completes his spiritual trilogy by revealing the truth about autism and its purpose.

In this intriguing book, you will learn:

  • How “impossible” gifts such as mind control and speaking unknown languages could be occurring in some people with autism.
  • How parents can distinguish their child’s spiritual interactions from behavior that might be mislabeled as hallucinatory– and unduly medicated.
  • How the wisdom of many people with autism may help us to prepare for future hardships and an impending renaissance of civility, respect, and compassion.

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"In The Autism Prophecies, William Stillman reveals more startling truths about evolution, the future of our planet, and what the rapidly growing community of (autistic) individuals is really here to teach us."
Sandra Sedgbeer, editor in chief, Inspired Parenting and Children of the New Earth magazines
"From his unique personal perspective and research...William Stillman presents a provocative case for autistic individuals often possessing special ways of knowing that border on the psychic and spiritual."
Sally Rhine Feather, PhD, executive director, Rhine Research Center