The Birthkeeper of Bethlehem

A Midwife's Tale


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Imprint: Womancraft Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


154 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Womancraft Publishing


Bridget Supple has spent the last twenty years supporting women through all stages of pregnancy, labour, and parenting. A mother of four herself, she works as an antenatal teacher for the NCT, the NHS, in particular a major UK Maternity Hospital and Birth Companions, a charity supporting pregnant women in prison. She is the founder of an information resource all about the Infant Microbiome ( and runs workshops on parenting, brain development, and hypnobirthing. She has also contributed to and worked on the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education since its beginning.

We seem to have become invisible. But we were there. I was his midwife. This is my story.

There was a time when birth was considered sacred, a rite of passage, a gift from God, tended to by women with herbs, wisdom, prayer, love, courage, and the knowledge of their ancestors to bring new life safely into the world. These were the birthkeepers.

Salome holds the birth stones and birth wisdom for the town of Bethlehem, like her mother and grandmother before her. She has helped so many babies into the world, including a baby born in a stable under the light of the brightest star anyone had ever seen.

This is not the story of Jesus, rather the woman who delivered him. Through her eyes we witness the sacred art of the birthkeepers, the transformational journey of birth, and the power of love. An unexpected birth which made ripples that reached across time.

Women’s space, women’s bodies, women’s ways…

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