The Celtic Wheel of the Year

Ancient Wisdom for Living in Harmony with the Land


Imprint: Hierophant Publishing
Availability: Currently not available / Coming soon on 01/20/2026

Book Details


304 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Hierophant Publishing


Rhonda McCrimmon is a Celtic shaman committed to creating shamanic pathways for those disconnected from their animist lineage and heritage. Walking a shamanic path for over a decade, she follows her calling with single-minded determination, making shamanic practices accessible for all. She is the author of The Cauldron and the Drum. Visit her at

This unique guide to the Celtic Wheel of the Year offers readers both traditional and modern methods of celebrating seasonality. Each section explores a different season and associated festival, providing insight into how the wisdom of the ancient Celts can be applied to our lives today.

Embrace Celtic traditions and seasonality with The Celtic Wheel of the Year! This one-of-a-kind guide explores the year as the ancient Celts understood it, offering insight into the layered connection between the land, cycles of life, and your place within them.

With author and Celtic shaman Rhonda McCrimmon as your guide, you will explore the Wheel of the Year, learning the attributes of each cardinal direction as well as its center. You will learn both traditional and modern ways of honoring seasonality with the four Celtic fire festivals: Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.

Rather than viewing the Wheel of the Year as a rigid structure, you can allow it to guide your intuition and adapt it to your needs. McCrimmon invites you to engage with it and each festival in ways that resonate with you. Your journey around the wheel is uniquely yours. The Celtic Wheel of the Year is here to guide and support you as you walk the Celtic path in a way that honors your truth.

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