The Physics of God

How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science


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Imprint: New Page Books
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“Selbie draws from the transcendent testimony of mystics the world over as well as from the findings of string theory, David Bohm’s version of quantum physics, quantum biology, neuroscience, and quantum physics itself to demonstrate that a physics of God is at hand!”
Amit Goswami, author of The Self Aware Universe
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Book Details


240 Pages


6 x 9



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Joseph Selbie makes the complex and obscure, simple and clear. A dedicated meditator for over 40 years, he has taught yoga and meditation throughout the United States and Europe. He is known for creating bridges of understanding between the modern evidenced-based discoveries of science and the ancient experience-based discoveries of the mystics. Selbie maintains several blogs, including Intersections, which explores how spirituality connects with culture and science.

“Selbie clearly describes why phenomena labeled ‘transcendent,’ ‘paranormal,’ or ‘spiritual’ are more consistent with a modern scientific understanding of reality than is commonly supposed.” —Dean Radin, PhD, chief scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, author of Real Magic and Entangled Minds

“The book combines science and religion in a way that can change how the reader views reality, the material world, God, and how they see themselves.” —New Spirit Journal

The Physics of God is an impressive and thought-provoking work which should be regarded as an important commentary regarding the metaphysical mysteries of life, physical reality, and human consciousness. Highly recommended!” —Spirituality Today

The explanations of transcendent phenomena given by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers—miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness—are fully congruent with scientific discoveries in the fields of relativity, quantum physics, medicine, M-theory, neuroscience, and quantum biology.

The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman—no math, no dogma. This intriguing book:

  • Pulls back the curtain on the light-show illusion we call matter.
  • Connects string theory’s hidden brane worlds to religion’s transcendent heavens.
  • Reveals the scientific secret of life and immortality: quantum biology’s startling discovery that the human body is continuously entangled.
  • Demonstrates the miracle-making power of our minds to effect instantaneous physiological changes.

Included in this revised edition is a new chapter on the physics of meditation and other updates. Compelling and concise, The Physics of God will make you believe in the unity of science and religion and eager to experience the personal transcendence that is the promise of both.

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“Selbie draws from the transcendent testimony of mystics the world over as well as from the findings of string theory, David Bohm’s version of quantum physics, quantum biology, neuroscience, and quantum physics itself to demonstrate that a physics of God is at hand!”
Amit Goswami, author of The Self Aware Universe
"Selbie does an excellent job of dispelling the myth that religion and science are incompatible. His unbiased comparison of the findings of science with the testimony of those who have had profound spiritual experience reveal a clear underlying unity. The Physics of God is clear, simple, and engaging!"  
Susan Shumsky, award-winning author of Divine Revelation and Awaken Your Third Eye
"The Physics of God is the best book on the subject that I have ever read. It is a clear and lucid explanation of the interface between science and spirituality, as well as consciousness and matter. Anyone, scientist or layman, will benefit from this marvelous book." 
Jyotish Novak, author of How to Meditate and Touch of Light
“This is a remarkable and well-informed book explaining how the deepest theories of science and religion mutually support each other in an underlying unity.” 
David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer