The Power of Adversity

Tough Times Can Make You Stronger, Wiser, and Better


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
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"Al Weatherhead's Power of Adversity has changed my response to daily bumps in the road and major catastrophic events. I will appreciate each challenge, and accept it as a gift to face my own shortcomings. So much of our suffering is the result of our own negativity. His wisdom helps me find solutions I never dreamed were possible." --Margaret Roche, CEO, Stella Maris, Inc.
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Book Details


192 Pages


5 x 7.5



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Misfortune . . . Failure . . . Illness . . . It seems adversity dooms us to lives of frustration.

Not so, according to dynamic industrialist and major philanthropist Al Weatherhead. He says adversity is not a curse but a gift–and that when we embrace our problems we temper and empower ourselves to achieve unimagined success.

With insight and compassion, Weatherhead helps us understand that the question we must ask ourselves when bowled over by life’s troubles is not “Why me?” but instead, “Why not me?”

In the process, this pragmatic and profound book reveals the secret to achieving a greater understanding and mastery of life by harnessing the
Power of Adversity.

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"Al Weatherhead's Power of Adversity has changed my response to daily bumps in the road and major catastrophic events. I will appreciate each challenge, and accept it as a gift to face my own shortcomings. So much of our suffering is the result of our own negativity. His wisdom helps me find solutions I never dreamed were possible." --Margaret Roche, CEO, Stella Maris, Inc. "Al Weatherhead's personal journey from hardship and despair to strength and positive thinking and action is truly inspirational. This remarkable book is a 'must' read for anyone facing adversity because it is a message of hope and a practical guide to leading a positive and fulfilling life." --Scott Cowen, President, Tulane University "An arresting personal story that shows how to turn misfortune into its opposite by thinking--and acting--in circles wider than oneself." --Carol Gluck, Columbia University "Overcoming adversity is no easy feat. From Al Weatherhead's perspective, adversity is simply another way of spelling opportunity. For anyone searching for a philosophy for life based on real world experience, this is the book to read. Embrace the author's approach and you will have taken a major step toward transforming the quality of your life." --Roger Cheever "The Power of Adversity is a courageous book in which legendary businessman and philanthropist Al Weatherhead describes how adversity--properly understood--can be a catalyst for powerful and meaningful personal transformation. Read it and be inspired--for yourself and for someone you love. Highly recommended." --Dean Ornish, MD, Founder and President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, author, The Spectrum and Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease