The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
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"Dr. Alberto Villoldo has done it again by demystifying profound age-old wisdom in 12 stories of personal transformation and growth. The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying describes how a shaman utilizes energy medicine practices such as illumination, soul retrieval, and extractions to create the proper energetic conditions for health. Read and learn." —Joe Dispenza, DC, author of New York Times bestseller  Breaking the Habit Of Being Yourself
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Book Details


272 Pages


6 x 9



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Alberto Villoldo, PhD, is a psychologist, medical anthropologist, and prolific author who has studied the healing practices of the Amazon and Andean shamans for more than 25 years. He directs the Four Winds Society, where he trains individuals in the practice of energy medicine and soul retrieval. In 2011 he produced the documentary Amazonia: Healing with Sacred Plants, which focuses on the sacred plants of Peru's Amazon region, including the use of ayahuasca.

“Profound age-old wisdom in twelve stories of profound transformation and growth.” —Joe Dispenza, bestselling author of Breaking the Habit of Yourself

The Wisdom, Power, and Beauty of Shamanic Energy Medicine

One of the pioneers in energy healing and shamanism recounts twelve miraculous stories in which, through the use of shamanic energetic techniques, people experience extraordinary physical and emotional healings. Meet a dancer who could barely walk until a series of sessions with Alberto Villoldo, a businesswoman who is freed from headaches and discovers the benefits of an integrated interior life, and a young woman who confronts her past and recovers from crippling depression. Each of these stories is rooted in Villoldo’s experience as a healer, mental health professional, and devotee of Indigenous wisdom and lore from around the world.

Ultimately, Villoldo demonstrates how a shaman assists us in discovering our own capacity for self-healing. He introduces us to physical, mental, and spiritual disease and presents techniques that can heal us, make us whole, and make us new. Having devoted 25 years of study to the healing practices of the Amazon and Andean shamans, Villoldo is teaching people how to actually grow new bodies.

By learning ancient shaman wisdom from Alberto Villoldo, you can heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow a new body that ages and heals differently. The stories in this book are amazing and inspiring. 

This title was previously published in 2015 as A Shaman’s Miraculous Tools for Healing (ISBN 978157174372)
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"Dr. Alberto Villoldo has done it again by demystifying profound age-old wisdom in 12 stories of personal transformation and growth. The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying describes how a shaman utilizes energy medicine practices such as illumination, soul retrieval, and extractions to create the proper energetic conditions for health. Read and learn." —Joe Dispenza, DC, author of New York Times bestseller  Breaking the Habit Of Being Yourself
"In this remarkable book, medical anthropologist Albert Villoldo, PhD, takes readers with him as he journeys into the core of shamanic practices to deliver profound change and healing to clients from different walks of life. Time and space lose their conventional dimensions in the shaman's world, and readers will find themselves transported into new dimensions, new realities, and new ways of unleashing potentials they never knew existed." —Stanley Krippner, PhD, professor of psychology at Saybrook University and co-author of numerous books, including Healing States with Alberto Villoldo

"The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying is a must-read for novices, professional healers and shamanic practitioners alike. The intimate healing stories grasp the true essence, methods, and effectiveness of the shamanic wisdom our ancestors left us. It paves the way to show us how we can apply it to our modern lives. A rare book where the clients and the shaman share their captivating stories." —Itzhak Beery, author of The Gift of Shamanism, and Shamanic Transformations, and publisher of

"In The Shaman's Book of Living and Dying, Dr. Villoldo shares the tools that will guide you home to a life of Love, Wisdom, and Grace." —Adam C. Hall, author of The EarthKeeper: Undeveloping the Future, and chairman & founding steward of EarthKeeper Alliance, Inc.

"One of our most gifted teachers of shamanism and energy medicine offers us a fascinating book of profound and moving accounts of his clients' healing journeys. This is a powerful manual for healers and also for anyone wanting to fully embrace and embody their health--body, mind and soul. An extraordinary account of tapping into the inherent ability all of us have when we tune into the Spirit as our partner in healing. A classic." —Colette Baron-Reid, author of The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life