The Wisdom of the Chakras

Tools for Navigating the Complexity of Life


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Imprint: Lantern Publishing & Media
Availability: In stock

Book Details


144 Pages


5 x 8



Pub. Date





Lantern Publishing & Media


Some people are extremely bright yet emotionally crippled. Others are very loving, yet their daily lives are chaotic. Many have great faith but little clarity, while others are creative but stymied by a lack of confidence. Why are people so lopsided in their development? Why do some of us feel love but find ourselves unable to express it? Why do some of us commit ourselves to an endeavor “from the heart” only to become disenchanted? Why do some of us feel confident and powerful within ourselves, yet become frightened when we try to realize our potential? Answers to such questions may be found in the chakra system, the seven ethereal centers that both reflect and influence the qualities of our nature. Some twenty years ago, the author—a clairvoyant from youth—began her examination of the chakra system to explain the imbalances so prevalent in people today and found that it does much more. In addition to correcting imbalances that prevent us from reaching our aspirations in life, the chakras also help us realize the spiritual beings we truly are already.
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