Your Secret Self

Illuminating the Mysteries of the Twelfth House


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Imprint: Ibis Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


272 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Tracy Marks, M.A., is a licensed mental health counselor, astrologer, writer, instructor, and nature photographer. Her transformational astrology books, including Astrology of Self-Discovery and The Art of Chart Interpretation, have been translated into nine languages and have sold over 150,000 copies. A psychotherapist since 1985, she is currently maintaining both counseling and astrology practices in Arlington, Massachusetts, as well as teaching in continuing education programs.

The Twelfth House is where the angels of our creative inspiration and spirituality, and the demons of our shadow self reside. Tracy Marks, psychotherapist /astrologer, provides penetrating insights into the inner workings of both the hidden weaknesses and strengths of the Twelfth House, and provides practical and easy-to-use worksheets to support the process of recovering buried facets of ourselves.

Part I: The multi-faceted meanings of the Twelfth House
Part II: The meaning of individual Twelfth house planets and signs, their rulers and placement
Part III: Psychodynamics of the Twelfth House -the emotional conflicts associated with it, and the process of integrating and liberating Twelfth House energies
Part IV: Self Transformation through Dreamwork and the dream experience using case studies related to the Twelfh House
Part V: The Collective Shadow, focusing on the Twelfth House of the United States.

This is an updated, expanded and revised addition of a book published in 1989, with over 30 pages of new material.

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