Homework Helpers: Physics, Revised Edition


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Imprint: Career Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


336 Pages


7 x 10


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Greg Curran is the author of Homework Helpers: Chemistry (Career Press). He has a B.A. in biology and psychology from SUNY-Purchase and an M.S. in curriculum and teaching from Fordham University. He has been teaching science for 15 years, and currently serves as chairman of the Science Department at Fordham Preparatory School.

Homework Helpers: Physics is the latest book in the popular series that has been designed to help students master the material and tackle the tests. It will help any student unravel the formulas that describe the world around him or her. Each lesson is written in clear, easy-to-understand language, and supported with review questions. Answers and detailed explanations are found at the end of each chapter.

Homework Helpers: Physics covers all of the topics included in a typical one-year physics curriculum, including:

  • Straight-line kinematics, free-fall, and projectile motion.
  • Forces, friction, and motion on an incline.
  • Electrostatics, electricity, and magnetism.
  • Waves, light, and optics.
  • Nuclear reactions.

    The Homework Helpers Series is an excellent review for any standardized Physics test, and is invaluable in providing support and guidance throughout a year’s course of study.

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