The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self

Living Beyond Your Type


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
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“In this book, Sandra creates a rich experience for the reader to travel through the nine Enneagram energies with helpful mindfulness practices at each stop. This is a great guide for those beginning their Enneagram journey and those who want to go deeper into the essence of their being.”
—Deborah Threadgill Egerton, PhD, author of Know Justice Know Peace and Enneagram Made Easy

“The beauty of reading The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self is that it provides a living experience of the path that author Sandra Smith uses to bring forth insights, stories (from guest writers), and practices. Each chapter supports readers in understanding the journeys we travel toward our wholeness. Sandra weaves her learned rites of passage, spiritual insights, and techniques for transformation as she brings us the power of the Enneagram Map.”
—Erlina Edward, co-executive director of The Narrative Enneagram Organization, an IEA accredited professional, and a certified Narrative Enneagram teacher and spiritual director
“While Sandra’s The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self contains plenty of Enneagram information organized in a very accessible form, its greater gift is the treasure chest of inquiries and practices, including type-specific ones, along with a powerful call to utilize the Enneagram for its true purpose.”
—Lynda Roberts, past president of the International Enneagram Association and Enneagram Institute faculty member
“Sandra Smith’s The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self is a portal to uncharted dimensions, where authenticity thrives. This empowering book ignites potential with tangible practices; it is a beacon for all seekers. Inviting this book into your world unveils a transformative journey, a gift of insight and growth.”
—Catherine R. Bell, MBA, author, founder of The Awakened Company, and
“As an experienced Enneagram practitioner, Sandra Smith brings together considerable Enneagram wisdom in her new book, gathering helpful overviews and enriching them with personal stories and diverse ‘companion voices’ to help us engage with the intimate issues about each type structure.”
—Belinda Gore, PhD, Enneagram coach, teacher, and author of Finding Freedom
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Book Details


288 Pages


6 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Sandra Smith, MDiv, teaches the Enneagram internationally as a tool for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. She is a certified Narrative Enneagram teacher and an IEA (International Enneagram Association) accredited professional. Through her business, AlchemyWorks, she offers organizational Enneagram trainings, public workshops, and retreats. Drawing from her business background and theological education, she weaves the practical and the compassionate in her teaching and consulting.
Sandra cocreated and cohosts the podcast Heart of the Enneagram, which explores dimensions of the nine unique Enneagram perspectives through interviewing guests of all nine types. Since its release, the podcast has been distributed to listeners in eighty countries. She lives in North Carolina.

You are much more than your personality type. The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self is an invitation to see ourselves as more than we believe we are, to learn and engage in practices that liberate us from automatic patterns.
“This is a great guide for those beginning their Enneagram journey and those who want to go deeper into the essence of their being.”—Deborah Threadgill Egerton, PhD, author of Know Justice Know Peace and Enneagram Made Easy
With clarity and consistency, this book shows how to understand your Enneagram type without reinforcing the patterns of your type. Certified Narrative Enneagram teacher Sandra Smith, MDiv, has taught the Enneagram internationally as a tool for personal, professional, and spiritual development for over twenty-two years. She shows readers how to deepen their use of the Enneagram in support of their spiritual lives as well as psychological health.

The gift of the Enneagram is its accuracy to show us the motivations beneath behaviors and egoic patterns that limit us and keep us from growing. The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self discusses the makeup of these patterns and gives us a greater capacity to unhook from them. Free from these habits, we are able to live more mindfully and grow into our full dimensionality, becoming more of ourselves.
Smith provides a detailed teaching of the components of the Enneagram type structures along with type-specific practices to counter automatic patterns. Also included are contributions from a diverse range of Enneagram practitioners. With their help, Smith dives into the components of the Enneagram types to tease out the patterns and pitfalls preventing us from living our radiance. Prayers, poems, and practices beckon us out of our confining comfort zones and into witnessing and honoring our lives.

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“In this book, Sandra creates a rich experience for the reader to travel through the nine Enneagram energies with helpful mindfulness practices at each stop. This is a great guide for those beginning their Enneagram journey and those who want to go deeper into the essence of their being.”
—Deborah Threadgill Egerton, PhD, author of Know Justice Know Peace and Enneagram Made Easy

“The beauty of reading The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self is that it provides a living experience of the path that author Sandra Smith uses to bring forth insights, stories (from guest writers), and practices. Each chapter supports readers in understanding the journeys we travel toward our wholeness. Sandra weaves her learned rites of passage, spiritual insights, and techniques for transformation as she brings us the power of the Enneagram Map.”
—Erlina Edward, co-executive director of The Narrative Enneagram Organization, an IEA accredited professional, and a certified Narrative Enneagram teacher and spiritual director
“While Sandra’s The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self contains plenty of Enneagram information organized in a very accessible form, its greater gift is the treasure chest of inquiries and practices, including type-specific ones, along with a powerful call to utilize the Enneagram for its true purpose.”
—Lynda Roberts, past president of the International Enneagram Association and Enneagram Institute faculty member
“Sandra Smith’s The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self is a portal to uncharted dimensions, where authenticity thrives. This empowering book ignites potential with tangible practices; it is a beacon for all seekers. Inviting this book into your world unveils a transformative journey, a gift of insight and growth.”
—Catherine R. Bell, MBA, author, founder of The Awakened Company, and
“As an experienced Enneagram practitioner, Sandra Smith brings together considerable Enneagram wisdom in her new book, gathering helpful overviews and enriching them with personal stories and diverse ‘companion voices’ to help us engage with the intimate issues about each type structure.”
—Belinda Gore, PhD, Enneagram coach, teacher, and author of Finding Freedom “Sandra Smith’s The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self guides readers in identifying themselves within the enneagram system and in perceiving its significance to their life experiences. From this decades-long Enneagram teacher, we receive insights for affirming our complex selves while in the never-ending process of becoming. It’s now my first recommendation for anyone exploring the enneagram as an interpretive resource.”
—Luther E. Smith, Jr., PhD, author of Hope Is Here! and professor emeritus, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
“Sandra’s beautifully grounded wisdom, insight, and compassion opens a welcoming door to the Enneagram, both for those who are new to it as well as those who have been working with it for a long time. I am especially grateful for how she brings practical steps to engaging the mystery and complexity of our lives as she invites us to see more clearly the presence of the sacred at the heart of it all.”
—Jan Richardson, author of Sparrow
“A masterful teacher of the narrative tradition, Sandra Smith brings her passion to move students from the ‘automatic to the authentic’ in their responses to daily life. Her unique contribution in this book is to present the voices and experiences of nineteen diverse women who tell their story of leading with their type.”
—Marcia Wakeland, pastor and spiritual director, founder of the Listening Post of Anchorage and author of The Long Walk Home

“In The Enneagram Map to Your Deeper Self, Sandra Smith invites us to recognize that, while the Enneagram is an effective map for self-understanding, if we desire to become more awake on this life journey, we must begin with and be rooted in presence. Through powerful narratives, provocative questions, and profound practices, Sandra graciously nudges us to live with a more open heart so that we might experience and embody the transformational power of the Enneagram. This book is a blessing for all who seek to be more fully alive.”
—Christopher T. Copeland, MDiv, JD, DMin; core faculty member and certification director, The Narrative Enneagram; cohost of Heart of the Enneagram podcast