5 Minutes to Stress Relief

How to Release Fear, Worry, and Doubt…Instantly


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Imprint: Career Press
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"Read Lauren's book, 5 Minutes to Stress Relief and learn from her personal experiences and expertise. This book will help you deal with stress and anxiety that everyone faces in their lives. Fear will block your ability to maintain a definitive purpose in life. Lauren provides remedies to help you release the fears that hold you back from personal excellence and inner peace. I highly recommend Lauren's book in order to get through those rainy days as you will learn how to create the sunshine needed to grow in a positive direction, in spite of any perceived threatening circumstance."

Don M. Green, executive director, The Napoleon Hill Foundation
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Book Details


192 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Lauren E. Miller is a world-renowned stress-relief expert, award-winning international bestselling author/speaker, and founder of StressSolutionsUniversity.com. She has been featured in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, and Family Circle and on CNBC, MSNBC, Lifetime, and The Discovery Channel. Boasting 18 years of intensive extended education in the areas of anxiety relief and stress reduction, Lauren is a certified master NLP practitioner and holds her advanced training certificate in EFT, two energy psychology modalities that lead to profound inner transformation. She lives in Littleton, Colorado.

Stress has three main fuels: worry, fear, and doubt. They act like little serpents that crawl into the lap of your life and wreak havoc emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

But you have the ability to identify and dismiss these serpents that are trying to hinder your ability to maintain inner calm, clarity of focus, and a motivated response to all of life.

5 Minutes to Stress Relief will give you the specific skills and tools to:

  • ?Identify and relieve stress
  • ?Access personal excellence in your thought life to create positive transformation in your physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences
  • Activate your God-given natural state of being

    Stress is often called the silent killer. As someone who battled the stress of advanced cancer and divorce–simultaneously–Lauren equips you with the ability to successfully handle any stressful situation…instantly.

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    "Read Lauren's book, 5 Minutes to Stress Relief and learn from her personal experiences and expertise. This book will help you deal with stress and anxiety that everyone faces in their lives. Fear will block your ability to maintain a definitive purpose in life. Lauren provides remedies to help you release the fears that hold you back from personal excellence and inner peace. I highly recommend Lauren's book in order to get through those rainy days as you will learn how to create the sunshine needed to grow in a positive direction, in spite of any perceived threatening circumstance."

    Don M. Green, executive director, The Napoleon Hill Foundation
    "5 Minutes to Stress Relief is a breath of fresh air! I felt the stress leaving my body as I absorbed the wisdom contained within these pages. The strategies she shares truly are life-changing and anyone who applies what she suggests will have an immediate, and I mean "immediate" positive return. Of course, the bigger benefit occurs from putting Lauren's ideas into action each and every day! I highly recommend this book."
    Peggy McColl, New York Times best-selling author of Your Destiny Switch
    "I use Lauren's work daily....If you are serious about transforming from the inside out, Lauren Miller's work speaks for itself."
    Les Brown, world-renowned speaker and author of Live Your Dreams
    "5 Minutes to Stress Relief contains essential insights and techniques needed to walk through any storm in life while remaining connected to the source of strength and happiness in the midst of it all. It is packed full of powerful stress-relief practices to help guide you on your healing journey."
    Marci Shimoff, New York Times best-selling author of Happy for No Reason