Astrology for Yourself

How to Understand And Interpret Your Own Birth Chart


4841 in stock

Imprint: Ibis Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


280 Pages


8.5 x 11


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Susanna Geoghegan has spent most of her adult life selling, marketing, and now writing and publishing books. She produces books for the major British heritage organizations The National Trust and English Heritage, and publishes both children's and adult books on a wide range of subjects. As a keen animal lover, books on cats and dogs appear regularly on her publishing schedule.

Douglas Bloch's recent publication, Healing from Depression: 12 Weeks to a Better Mood, has been acclaimed as "a lifeline to healing." He facilitates ongoing support groups for people who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Astrology for Yourself is designed to introduce you to the language, art, and science of astrology through a series of self-directed, program-learning exercises that will literally enable you to write your own chart interpretation. Aside from providing you a wealth of knowledge about your birth chart, Astrology for Yourself promises to promote personal growth and change your life.
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