Awaken Your Divine Intuition

Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting with Spirit


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Imprint: New Page Books
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"Susan Shumsky has made intuitional development easy with this book. Anyone can listen to the 'still small voice' within, trust it, and follow it." --Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times best-selling author, The Passion Test
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Book Details


224 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 14 books, published by Red Wheel/New Page, Simon & Schuster, Random House Penguin, and Skyhorse. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent 50 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Exploring Meditation, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Power of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Miracle Prayer, Divine Revelation, and Maharishi & Me.

Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Divine Revelation®--a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was guru of the Beatles and guru of Deepak Chopra. Dr. Shumsky served on Maharishi's personal staff for 6 years. Her Website is

Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit.

In this profound, practical, transformational book, you will learn proven techniques to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. You will open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.

Awaken Your Divine Intuition, along with the included link to an online meditation, will help you:

  • Tap into your ‘in-house counselor‚” your inner guidance and inner genius.
  • Receive unique signals that identify specific aspects of inner divinity.
  • Get divine messages and inner guidance and test whether they are real.
  • Awaken your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts.
  • Experience radiant light, supernal love, and spiritual grace.
  • Heal ego blockages that have inhibited your intuition.
  • Experience the divine presence anytime you want.
  • Never be alone again.
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"Susan Shumsky has made intuitional development easy with this book. Anyone can listen to the 'still small voice' within, trust it, and follow it." --Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times best-selling author, The Passion Test "The entire premise of this book is 'Ask, and it shall be given to you,' and by asking, you can achieve the most precious gift: direct contact and communication with Spirit." --Lynn Andrews, New York Times best-selling author, Medicine Woman series "While some meditation books direct readers toward their particular spiritual orientation, I was impressed with how this book respects your own unique relationship with the higher power that you believe in." --Don Jose Ruiz, New York Times best-selling author, The Fifth Agreement