Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience (60th Anniversary Edition)

The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction


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Imprint: New Page Books
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“Kathleen Marden is not only the niece of Betty and Barney Hill but is one of the leading UFO researchers of our time. Her collaboration with the legendary researcher Stanton Friedman has resulted in the definitive work on the most important UFO abduction case of the twentieth century.”
Richard Dolan, author of UFOS and the National Security State
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Book Details


336 Pages


6 x 9



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Stanton T. Friedman was a nuclear physicist with BS and MS degrees from the University of Chicago. He is the best-known scientific ufologist in North America and probably the world.

Educator and sociologist Kathleen Marden is Betty Hill’s niece and trustee of her estate. For the past 10 years, she has served on the board of directors of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and is their director of field investigator training. She also serves on the board of directors of the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters.

“The famous 1961 Betty and Barney Hill abduction by non-humans is taken apart, meticulously re-examined by Betty’s niece Kathleen Marden and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, and reinforced by the pressure of facts.” —Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy award-winning TV producer, reporter, and editor,

Today, 60 years after the UFO abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, more and more people are convinced that UFOs are real and their existence is being covered up by the government. If you have doubts or questions about the Hill case or alien experiences in general, Captured! will give you the answers you’re searching for.

The 1961 abduction of the Hills stirred worldwide interest and enthralled the public and media for decades. The case is mentioned in almost all UFO abduction books. It also became a target for debunkers, who still attack it today. But the complete story of what really happened that day, its effect on the participants, and the findings of investigators has never been told—until now.

In Captured! you’ll get an insider’s look at the alien abduction, previously unpublished information about the lives of the Hills before and after Barney’s death in 1969, their status as celebrities, Betty’s experiences as a UFO investigator, and other activities before her death in 2004. Kathleen Marden, Betty Hill’s niece, shares details from her discussions with Betty and from the evidence of the UFO abduction. She also looks at the Hills’ riveting hypnosis sessions about their time onboard the spacecraft. The results of a new chemical analysis of the dress Betty was abducted in is shared, which found unusual and rare elements on it Newly discovered letters at the American Philosophical Society by debunker Philip Klass, regarding an orchestrated plot to paint Betty as delusional reveal what early detractors tried to do. In addition, coauthor, physicist, and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman reviews and refutes the arguments of those who have attacked the Hill case, including the star map Betty Hill saw inside the craft and later recreated.

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