Exploring Reiki

108 Questions and Answers


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Imprint: New Page Books
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Book Details


192 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


An American psychologist who lives in Kathmandu, Nepal and Reiki Master for more than twenty five years, Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo) has adapted the best of the East and West to convey ways to calm the mind and raise the life force energy. Paula is widely known in Asia for her Jnana Yoga, Core Empowerment retreats, which point participants to a direct experience of non-dual awareness, as well as for her special gift with EFT, which helps clear the obstacles that block our ability to be fully present and enjoy life with a true sense of contentment. After spending over twenty years in India, Nepal, and China, where she travels and leads seminars and retreats, she is now available to a wider audience through her online radio show, Karma Clearing: Complete The Past, Experience Love Now, at www.eftradioonline.com. A recipient of the Inner Flame award presented by former Prime Minister of India, I.K. Gujral, Paula is a bestselling author of 8 books on Reiki, Non-Dual Awareness and Alternative Health. Her latest book, Fierce Innocence: The Essential Road Map For Living Life's Purpose In Challenging Times, which she also calls her spiritual autobiography, takes her readers beyond mentally repairing their problems, to dropping the "problem" mind altogether. Find out more about Paula's programs at www.paulahoran.com.

Exploring Reiki introduces this increasingly popular form of hands-on healing by answering the 108 most often-asked questions relating to its practice in common-sense, reader-friendly language. It covers all the practical issues a complete beginner would want to know about while still providing an in-depth and all-round presentation. As a result, Exploring Reiki is as helpful to the curious browser who wishes to get first hand information from an experienced practitioner as it is to the experienced initiate with questions about a particular aspect of this subtle art of healing.
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