Finding a Job After 50

Reinvent Yourself for the 21st Century


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Imprint: Career Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


192 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Jeannette Woodward is a founder and principal of the Wind River Nonprofit and Educational Consulting group. Before becoming a consultant, Woodward was a library manager with many years-- experience as both an employer and a job hunter. Her books include Nonprofit Essentials: Managing Technology, Creating the Customer-Driven Library and the college writing textbook Writing Research Papers: Investigating Resources in Cyberspace. Woodward holds a masters degree and has worked toward a doctorate at the University of Texas. She lives in Lander, Wyoming, in the foothills of the Rockies

When you–re 50 or 60 years old, the job market is a combat zone, no matter what your skills or experience. Battle-scarred veterans report that they’re passed over time and again for jobs which they are eminently qualified for. Successful applicants, often with fewer skills and almost always with far less experience, do seem to have one significant thing in common-they are younger, sometimes painfully younger. There was a time, not that long ago, when you automatically retired at 60 or 65, presuming you actually lived that long. Today, many seniors are still going strong at 60, 70, even 80 and don’t intend to retire. Or they–ve tried the beach hut or snow cottage and found them…BORING. Increasingly, many such seniors are choosing new careers, ones that fit their particular strengths.

Finding a Job After 50 is a “guerilla guide” that gives you the powerful tools you need to substitute real satisfaction for the rat race. Getting the job you want may be a battle, so you have to approach it as such, equipping yourself with the right weapons to succeed in today–s job market. Your arsenal better be well stocked before you enter the fray. You are probably healthier, better educated, and more experienced that any previous generation at the same age. You may be the best man or woman for the job. But you–re going to have to prove it. To do so, you must know what (and who) you–re up against and how to beat it (them)! This book will show you how.

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